Chapter 17

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Sake marched right through your motel door, a spring in her step. She all of a sudden seemed confident. Something was off about her face, although it couldn't click in your head. Then you realised you had just had a dumb moment, and that her face was fixed!
"What the fuck!" You screamed. You screamed this for many reasons. She had been gone for almost a full day and she returns with a face that had no slit in it... she was no longer the slit mouthed woman. When she saw your face her smile melted away.
"Do you not like it?" She asked, looking dissapointed. You saw tears welling up in her eyes.
"What do you mean?? I'm speechless!" You cried, flinging your arms around her. You weren't exactly sure how you were feeling.
"You know, Sake, looks don't make the person. Even if you hadn't have done that, you would still be a lovely person." You said with a smile, still hugging her.
"But won't a pretty face make it better?"

Yes I just quoted a Melanie Martinez song and I have no regrets

"Make what better?" You asked.
"The weird looks I get and the people pointing at me?"
You had somehow never noticed that other people were aware of her.
"I mean you did kinda kill people, but I know what you mean." You mumbled. You really were lost for words.
"Your a lovely girl when people get to know you, so to me, who you are is actually beauty and not how physically pretty you look.
She gave you a smile and a big hug.
"Thank you" She whispered in your ear.

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