Chapter 8

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You caught up with the woman, and pinned her against the wall.
"Dude, you threw an empty bottle at me. You know what that means?" You said with a grin. She was really excited to find out what you were going to do. She hadn't had a friend to mess around with in a while.

(I dont even fucking know. This is super gay. Whatever. I'm tired and I can't sleep because i had sleep paralysis a few hours ago. Let me tell you, It was some fucking scary shit. I couldn't move and I was hyperventilating. Want to know more useless information about my sleep paralysis? I WAS FUCKING SWEATING LIKE MAD. Okay thats it, rant over.)

"Dude now I have to slap you." You laughed, and she dived on top of you.
"No fucking way, bitch." She laughed, tickling you.
"HOLY SHIT" You screamed, not expecting her to do that. You whacked your head off the table by accident as you and Kuchisake onna were rolling around on the floor.
"Hey? Kuchisake Onna is a really long name, and I can't just call you Bitch or Dude so what do i call you?" You asked her.
"Sake I guess." She said.

(Lol Sake in japanese means liquor. Yes I know japanese. Kon'nichwa, watashi wa Yuniko Ryu. Nya!!! Probably butchered the spelling but you get it.)

Then you heard a knock at the door.

(Yes the door that was obliterated in one of the previous chapters. My explanation is that the magical faries came and fixed it with their magical fairy asses)

Kuchisake Onna x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now