Chapter 6

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(Sos there will be more swears in this chapter idk why ive just started swearing a lot xd)

You kicked the dumb bitch off you and ran in the opposite direction. You knew it was useless because she'd catch up anyway. (it took me like 60 attempts to write dumb because i cant think straight. I literally wrote dubmn and dum XD)
You were pretty sure the slit mouthed psycho bitch was going to kill you right there and then, but instead she just stood there. You just stood there staring at each other.
"What the fuck?" Asked the woman, putting her mask back on.
"Woah, I didnt realise Kuchisake Onna would fucking swear at me!" You cried in confusion.
"Come at me bitch" she said, making a fist.
"Oh hell to the fucking no!!!!! You have some weird ass abilities. I'm not even gonna try and fight you" you said, suprised by the words that were coming out of your mouth.

(Well Im tired now so byeeee)

Kuchisake Onna x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now