Ch - 3 : His beloved

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Was this his son ? If it is my son then why didn't Jiang Cheng tell me . Why did he run away from me if he was pregnant with my son ? I am sure it is my son since since Jiang Cheng and I were in a relationship when I entered seculsion and according to the rumours the boy is around 4 years old if so then everything reaches only one conclusion that it is my son ........but what if he had someone else while he stayed away , no that's impossible he....he can't do such a thing . Even if he did there is only me to blame if I hadn't left him behind all these years then maybe .....maybe we would have been a family . I really messed up didn't I ? I still love , I have always loved him even during my seculsion there wasn't a moment I didn't think about him . I was just scared and I needed time but that's just an excuse for what I did to him . What if he was pregnant when he came to meet me before I started my seculsion ? And is that also the reason why he left without ever telling me ?

" Zewujun " ......." Zewujun "......He was called out of his thoughts by the voice of a disciple . " Sorry , I was a bit lost in thoughts . What is it that you have to say ? "
" Old master Lan requires your presence , Zewujun . He is waiting in his study . " The disciple then bowed and left .

Lan Xichen politely knocked on the study's door before entering . " Uncle , you asked for me ? "
" Yes , Xichen . I have some doubts to clear and some questions to ask . "
" Of course uncle , please ask away . "
" Very well then I hope you will be sincere . What was your relationship with Sect Leader Jiang's son ? " . Hearing his uncle's question he felt like his mind stopped working . Was he so obvious , he thought .
" I ...Uncle he- I ...we ..ah.. " Xichen was stuttering helplessly . Nervously his lips were quivering . He didn't know what to do whether to tell the truth or not.
" So what I saw that day is right . The two of you were lovers . "
" Uncle , what do you mean by what you saw ? "
" What I saw ? I merely saw my nephew kissing Jiang Cheng and him frapping his arms around you . I just saw the two of you kissing like it was the end of the world !! I saw my eldest nephew kissing his lover !! " Lan Qiren emphasised the ' my nephew ' each time he use the word . Lan Xichen could only state at his uncle dumbfounded . He had never expected and had never wanted anyone to find out about them though it was all in the past .
" Uncle , I am sorry you had to find it out in such a way . But all of that was in the past , now we are mere strangers , just strangers . "
" You say that Xichen , but do you think you can even try lying to me besides it's against the clan rules . You still love him don't you ? Even if his son is fathered by another you would still marry him if you could , wouldn't you ? And about his son are you sure you are not the father ? "
" Uncle , " ........heaving a deep sigh he continued , " I may be the father of his son , no I am the father if Jiang Cheng didn't have anyone else and you are right uncle I still and always will love him the same even after my death . "
" I expected such an answer from you but do you think you loving him is enough ? If the child is yours then that means Jiang Cheng was pregnant when he came to meet you and I need not remind you how rude you were to him . And I know this because I came to check up on you but what I saw was you shouting at Jiang Cheng . Xichen , after all that you have done he still loves you otherwise he would definitely have been married by now . So if you want him then show him how much you love him , make him believe in your love once more . I can't stand you ruining yourself and your health thinking about him which is why I will be supporting you in courting him if you decide to do so . "
" Thank you , Uncle . " , Lan Xichen said with a smile full of gratitude adorning him . Lan Xichen was now syre he had give in his all for his beloved . He would try the maximum to get his omega back , to embrace him , to tell him that he loved him .

Lan Xichen didn't know why but he was not able to sleep that night . Whenever he closed his eyes only one face appeared , the face of Jiang Cheng , his Wanyin . Lan Xichen got up and sat on the bed thinking about the way it used to be before he went into seculsion , before the incident with A-Yao no he never deserved to be called that way , before Jin Guangyao created all this mess , before the war with the Wens . His mind wandered around always coming back to the starting point - Jiang Cheng . He really loved this man and he too loved him but in the past . That doesn't mean Lan Xichen was going to give up , he would hang on till the lat thread of hope remained . Thinking about Jiang Cheng he fell asleep without knowing .

The next day Lan Xichen woke up at 5 as any other day but today he had to do something very important . Today he had to talk about his relationship with Jiang Cheng to someone , this someone was none other than his brother-in-law and Jiang Cheng's brother . He also had to tell his own little brother about Jiang Cheng . Lan Wangji did notice something strange but couldn't put his finger on anything otherwise he as sure his younger brother wild have asked him the reasons for his despair .
Finishing his daily tasks Lan Xichen called for Weiwuxian and Lan Wangji with a thumping heart beating faster each moment he waited for them .

Author's note - First of all thanks to all who took the time out to read my shitty fanfic . Jiang Cheng is my favourite character from MDZS and I think he deserves a happy ending so to calm my heart I read all Xicheng stories available but some months ago I thought ,  ' why not write one myself ? ' And that's how I started writing . I know this lacks a lot of things and am sure it's filled with typos and grammar mistakes but plese bear with it . Also this is my first fanfic so I am completely inexperienced again please adjust to my inexperience . I would love it if you will leave your opinions on my work because that would help me improve my work .And please vote if you like this . Once again thank you all for reading my story . 😄🙏😊😣

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