Ch - 13 : A New Life

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The events that led to the wedding of Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen were now long forgotten , just like philosophical thoughts that came to one's mind and left , without even so much as a trace and like rumours that created great whispers but became uninteresting over time as more and more provoking one's were heard or told . It had been two years afterall..............

" Wanyin , are you alright ? I don't think this is something to be taken lightly . You have been sick for more than two weeks . We should call upon the clan physician . " Lan Xichen's voice was brimmed with concern .

" You are behaving as if I can't stand up properly . There is no need to trouble the clan physician over mere matters . I am just feeling under the weather . I will be fine within a few days . " Jiang Cheng replied in his usual annoyed tone , staring up at his husband who had finished patting his back as he had himself stopped vomiting his whole stomach out .

With a long , deep sigh Lan Xichen compromised  but made the other promise that they would consult a doctor if this goes on for  more than a week . Jiang Cheng happily agreed , he was certain he would be better in two - three days , a whole week was too much time .

He trotted out cautiously trying to avoid Wei Wuxian on his way to the training field . Alas ! The very man he wanted to avoid was right in front of him smiling with those bunny teeth of his . This stupid shows up everywhere ! I can't have a moment of peace with him around .

" What do you want ? Did you fight with Lan Wangji ? " . Jiang Cheng sounded completely pissed off and Wei Wuxian knew that but he decided to be true to himself and blurted out utter ridiculousness ,  " Oh god ! I and my Lan er gege will never fight and of course I am not like you to pick fights . Don't be so rude , my heart ached without seeing you for such a long time . I just wanted to pay you a visit . "

This guy is seriously testing my patience . I met him yesterday before going to bed and today morning he says he misses me ! Who the hell does he think I am to fool around with him ? Surely Lan Wangji has gone on a mission or else he wouldn't be here . He will be busy having sex first thing in the morning !

Jiang Cheng fully ignored the disturbing presence and dashed towards the training fields . He was already not well for he threw up the little bit of food he had as breakfast and seeing Wei Wuxian added to his bad mood . He was not particularly plagued by Wei Wuxian . Most of his annoyance for the other had been feined but today he was really annoyed . He felt like a hormonal teenager , happy one second , annoyed the next and sad the other . Should he visit a doctor ? No , these are just trivial matters , he reassured himself .

Upon reaching he saw that his husband had started training the disciples , he silently joined . Moving a disciple's hand  forward , drawing another's backward , teaching them the proper way to hold a sword .

Many sessions of training lay ahead of them in the scorching heat of the sun . Jiang Cheng passionately went through each session . He may not be the sect leader but his husband's sect was like his own , he made no negligence in teaching the disciples .

Jiang Cheng looked cute , decided Lan Xichen . His cheeks donned with red hues from the burning heat , his skin glistening with sweat , his hair messy unlike the perfect bun he had when training started .  He lovingly stared at his omega .

" Is there something you want to tell me , Huan ? And why are you grinning like a fool . "

" I look like a fool ? How could I when I am admiring my beautiful Wanyin . "

" Stop with your flirting . Is it that you are admiring my beauty or is that mind of yours cooking up lewd thoughts ? " Jiang Cheng whispered the last part in Xichen's ears .

" Teasing me wouldn't do you any good , you should know that better than me . Don't you know how out of control I get yet you choose to risk it . I admire you courage A - Cheng . "

Jiang Cheng smiled and moved his lips but before he could speak he felt the world go black , his head was spinning round , he flailed his arms absently in search of support , rifting off from the echoing of his name from his alpha's mouth , he fainted . Jiang Cheng was scooped up before his body touched the ground and he was carried in the secure arms of Lan Xichen .

Hours later he woke with a groan . His eyes settling on the ceiling he layed there until his light headedness left him .

" Wanyin , are you feeling better ? " Lan Xichen's calm voice reached his ears . Creating in him a sense of serenity .

" I am a bit dizzy , nothing else . What happened ? Why am I laying on the bed , were we not training disciples ? " The last sentence was spoken with concern evident on his face .

" need to be tensed . You just fainted . "

" Fainted ? I ? But why ? "

" The reason is pretty simple Wanyin . You are pregnant . I am becoming a dad again . " Lan Xichen's voice rang out melodiously . Each word carried joy . He pressed feather light kisses on Jiang Cheng's soft cheeks . Brimming with love .

8 months later...........

Jiang Cheng was fully pregnant . His belly bloated like a huge ball . He had pretty bad , really bad mood swings and mind me even Wei Wuxian would vouch for A - Cheng being a real piece of work during pregnancy . Wei Wuxian claimed that he was far times better at being pregnant , sadly none supported his claim . Not even the Hanguang - Jun .

Jiang Cheng was soundly sleeping with his head on Xichen's lap . Lan Xichen traced his finger through the soft locks of Wanyin's hair . How pretty his husband looked . Soon they would have another baby . Jingyi was more than excited to be a big brother and Lan Xichen way more excited to be a father the second time . This time he got to be with his Wanyin throughout his pregnancy and he would also get to see their child from his or her beginning of life . Lan Xichen stopped stroking Jiang Cheng's hair when he felt the other stir . Jiang Cheng woke up and hugged Lan Xichen by the neck . This was a new habit he developed during pregnancy ,  being clingy with his husband . Lan Xichen hugged him back and rubbed circles on his back , soothing him . Out of nowhere Jiang Cheng suddenly tightened his hold on him and buried his face deeper in his neck .

" Wanyin , are okay ? " Lan Xichen's voice was distorted with worry .

" I - I ah...I feel a splitting pain in my stomach ! "

Lan Xichen let go of the hug proceeding to check Jiang Cheng's stomach and that's when he noticed a white liquidy substance staining his husband's robes starting from between his legs . Lan Xichen wasted no time immediately rushing to the physician with the omega .

Waiting for hours outside the labour along with Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji who was accompanying his husband . Lan Xichen and Wei Wuxian were restless walking from one side to another awaiting a cry of the child and they finally heard it .

" Waaaahhhhh"

A new life was born .

A/ N

The next chapter will be the last but I am sure many people will not be satisfied with the way I will be ending my fanfic as it will be left on a cliffhanger . The main reason to do so is because I am planning to write a second book as the continuation . I won't suggest waiting for it because the second book will only be uploaded after I finish my new Zhanyi fanfic ( My Enemy , My Husband ) . Also please support my new Zhanyi book which I will start after a little break . If you check my profile you can find it is already drafted .

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