Ch - 14 : An Absurd Reality

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In the early shining sun a young man sleeping on the bed fell face down onto the floor . Groaning at the sudden spark of pain the young man opened his eyes that begged for sleep . Dark circles heavily visible . He sat upright and thought of the very weird , awkward and complex dream he had . In the dream he was an omega who had a child , later married the child's father aka his so called lover and had another child ! Such a piece of shit ! He even saw many familiar faces in the present in that stupid dream of his . The young man was sure that he could effortlessly win the prize for being able to cook up the most absurd dream . He cursed himself not only for the dream also for getting drunk yesterday when today he had to go to college . Had it not been for the dream he could've sworn he would still be sleeping without a care .  He hurriedly got dressed up and took off in his car , speedily .

Parking his car he ran straight to the class room . He reached safely with 5 minutes before the class to start . He let out a sigh of relief and turned his head towards his classmate sitting beside him .

" Wen Qing what are all so excited for ? "

" How could you not know Jiang Cheng ? All the fuss is about the new professor . It is not always that a professor changes mid year . Many rumours going around state that he is good-looking . Let's see . "

The young man that is Jiang Cheng scrunched his face in annoyance . Why would people be so worked up over such trivial things , if these people paid as much attention to their studies they would be great at it . Alas .

He only nodded in response holding his thoughts in his chest and letting them flow . Before his mind could wander any further the lecture hall's door was pushed open and in came a handsome man . The new man walked up to the table , put his books down then gave a smile , a striking and bright smile .

"  A pleasant morning to all , I am Lan Xichen . Starting from today I am your new Anatomy teacher . "

The students started cheering for the new professor who only smiled in reply . Jiang Cheng was sure it was for his smile if not for his good looks .

The man is beautiful , well , maybe too beautiful . But why does it feel like I have seen him the hell....this is insane . This guy looks exactly like the guy I married and from the way he looks he most definitely is an alpha again like the fucking dream . Ahhhhhh on top that I am an omega too fucking like the shitty dream !!!

A / N

Ah......I have completed the first book . The second book will be released but probably in 2022 as in mid or starting of November I will start the Zhanyi story . I hope the book has been entertaining . It was fun to write this and this is my first book so I have immense pleasure in finishing this . This will always have a special place in my heart . I am utterly thankful to all the readers who stayed with me till the end . Each and every one of your comments , votes and reads provided me with utmost happiness and encouragement . I will try my best to write my next story if not better atleast as good as this one . Please support me in my future works . I am humbled and honoured in being able to claim as the author of a story that many love . I once again express my thankfulness to all who has added my story in their reading lists , has followed me , has voted for my story or simply have read my story .

With lots of love

Author ( Sinister_VenomLass )

Please support this YouTube channel . It has been created by my brother . He posts anime edits . I and my brother would wholeheartedly appreciate your support .

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