Ch - 7 : Family

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The talk he earlier had with his ex - lover had drained Jiang Cheng of his energy and enthusiasm . All he wished for was some peace and quiet so that he could clear his head but the first thing he saw upon entering Lotus Pier was the Sect Leader of Yunmeng Jiang . The last person he wished to see , he ignored his so called father's presence and walked away just to be called out by the one he was trying hard to avoid . " A-Cheng "
" Don't you dare call me that , Sect Leader Jiang . As I clarified before you and me have no relationship left . Sure , we may be sharing the same blood but trust me if I had a chance to choose my parents then I would have never in a million times chosen you to be my father ! All you did was to hurt and shatter me and my mom . You can hate me for whatever reason but my mother ? What did she do ? Was it her fault she loved you ? I am disgusted by the fact that I have such a father , no , I had such a father , I have no father anymore . Sect Leader Jiang , I hope you clearly remember the day you stated you don't want a son like me , that was when I decided to stop hanging onto you , I wish my A-Niang can do the same one day . I hope she can let you go . "
Finishing what he had to say he left , leaving behind a crying man whose head hung low in shame . Let you go , let him go . What kind of a joke am I that even my own son won't bother to call me father ? I am pathetic...... pathetic , I truly am useless , do I even deserve the family I have ? No , I don't . If I did I would've cherished them but I chose to ignore them , I chose to leave them behind , I chose to favour someone in their stead , I chose to break them , I chose to make them beg for my affection and they did , they did everything so that I would give them time but nothing changed , after all failed my lady could only be harsh and short tempered to hide her pain , all these years I thought she was angry because she had to marry me but it turns out she was never angry instead she was delighted to be my wife . What did I do ? I always misunderstood her . My A - Cheng just wanted a loving father , he only sincerely wished for the care of a father , I am stupid aren't I ? If I wasn't I would've never missed the look of longing he had , the look of hurt and envy his eyes had when I chose A - Xiang over him . My son only wanted a father and the thing I could never provide him with was the warmth of a father . What A - Cheng said is true . I don't deserve them . It is time they let me go , I am and always will be the thorn in their lives . The sooner they let me go the sooner they get to be free , the sooner they get to be happy , the sooner they will be out of this despair , the sooner they will feel like themselves , the sooner they can express themselves , the sooner the better . Jiang Fengmian had only one choice which was to let it all out , he cried till his eyes had no more water in them .

Jiang Cheng's mood was even more gruesome than before . He never wanted to say those out loud in front of the many eyes of maids and disciples watching them . Afterall that man was a Sect Leader and therefore he ought to keep a good image but Sect Leader Jiang was never anyone to care for his image . If he did he wouldn't have insulted his mother in public , if he did he wouldn't have had shown his favouritism for the whole public to see , he wouldn't have shouted out - " I AM TIRED OF DEALING WITH YOU TWO . I WISH I NEVER HAD SUCH A TEMPERAMENTAL WIFE , I WISH I NEVER HAD SUCH A SON ! "
So there was nothing wrong with what he did , he had enough reasons to justify what he did . But he couldn't stop himself from thinking about all those times he and his mother suffered in silence , the pain they endured , the burden the carried , the sleepless nights they had , the torturous moments they had gone through , for the love of one man , the love they wanted was the one which they never could gain but they learnt the truth the hard way . The memories he wished not to recollect were all recollected today , it made him wish he was indeed dead atleast he would have not had to suffer the ache of his heart a countless times . Tears brimmed on the tip of his eyes , a few threatening to break out but before his tears slid down , he heard a voice .
" A - Niang , see I and grandma made you favourite Lotus rib soup ! " The little boy's voice a pitch higher due to the excitement . This voice , the only sound Jiang Cheng could hear , this pleasant voice and the bundle of joy to whom it belonged instantly dried up all his tears , it made him smile .
" Oh ! Let's see how it tastes . " Jiang Cheng lifted the boy and placed him on his lap . He asked his mother to give him them bowl but she raised the spoon to his mouth intending to feed him and he obliged , she alternately fed her son and her grandson , she too was smiling like the other two .
My dear son I will never ever let you go anywhere again and my dear grandson I promise I will protect you and your A - Niang , my son .

This is enough for me , seeing two people who means the world to me smile . I will always be by your side mom . I will never leave you son .

I hope I can always be happy along with A - Niang and grandma .

The three people in the room were all enjoying the beautiful feeling of being with each other . The feeling spreading a wonderfulness in them . Keeping them from all the negativeness and bringing them hope .

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