chapter 5

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I wasn't allowed the chance to say no to Helion's question.

I was whisked away by servants to prepare me for a meeting with the High Lords and Ladies—with Rhysand.

Why did Helion want me there so badly? Maybe he wanted to see the look on Rhysand's face when I showed up. Maybe he wanted to simply cause chaos. I didn't know and I didn't have the chance to ponder the topic before I was thrown into a cream colored gown that was tight in the bodice and flowing past my hip and to the floor. The arms of the dress had holes in the shoulders and reconnected just above my elbow before the rest of it fell to my wrists. I tried desperately to keep my right hand away from them, and they grunted in disapproval when I wouldn't remove my left glove.

They placed twin golden snake arm cuffs on my  biceps and gave me a golden winged eyeliner to match. The rest of my jewelry was simple, still gold, but simple. I slid into gold heels while the servant fixed my hair. I made her leave it down after I bathed because I preferred it that way.

Helion arrived at my door a moment later and let out a long whistle. "Radiant."

I blushed and gave him a smile before I took his arm and walked with him over to a stable.

I had only heard rumors about pegasus's being real, and the rumors didn't even do them justice.

They were white and glowing from the setting sun's energy. Their wings were much larger than mine—maybe double the length. Their tails swished lazily, but I noticed the way they shimmered in the light.

Helion chuckled and hoisted me onto the pegasus. I was careful not to touch it with my right hand in fear of revisiting the chicken incident, but I didn't hesitate to brush my left hand through the shimmering mane. I wished I could feel it with my skin. Helion climbed on behind me and cleared his throat awkwardly.

"I just realized the fault in my plan." He said matter-of-factly.

"What's that?" I turned to look back at him but realized my wings were in the way. I chuckled and looked forward, understanding his dilemma. "That's why I always make plans in three parts. I'll sit in the back."

Once we were situated on the pegasus, Helion wrapped my arms around his torso 'for safety.' For safety my ass. I made sure to pull my right hand away when it felt natural to do so, and before I knew it, we were in the palace above what Helion called the Court of Nightmares.

My nerves wouldn't settle as we dismounted and started walking towards the entrance. I noticed other High Lords and Ladies arrive, but Helion told me to save the introductions for the meeting room.

I could tell the unknown faces gawked at me. Maybe they thought I was Helion's lover. Not such a bad thought, he's insanely attractive, but it couldn't be farther from the truth. I just met him, he's barely even a friend.

I guess you don't have to be friends to be lovers. I've slept with male's before that I would never call friends, just drunken hookups.

When the guards opened the doors to the meeting room, Helion placed my left hand on his bicep, right underneath snake arm cuffs that matched mine.

Maybe I was a power move. Maybe showing up with an Illyrian on his arm would somehow be similar to giving Rhysand the middle finger.

I was a pawn in a game that I had no idea how to play.

I allowed myself to be a pawn. Well, now I'm just pissed off.

I locked eyes with Rhysand immediately and smirked. Okay, maybe it's fun to metaphorically flip him off. The way his eyes narrowed in on my snakes made me almost laugh in his face.

Maybe I held more influence and power than I thought.

Next to Rhysand was Feyre, and to her left stood Nyx. My eyes lingered on his polished black tunic with gold accents. The shirt complimented his athletic frame and gave me a better view of the tattoos that peeked over his collar. His eyes caught on mine and drifted down the length of me, lingering on my exposed hand. I smirked at him before Helion guided me into a chair. I smiled up at him in thanks and watched as the other courts filled the room.

I couldn't help the wide smile that appeared when the shadow male and his red-siphoned friend arrived. They sat next to a blonde, Mor, and did not return my smile in the slightest. The shadow male passed a look over me and looked to Rhysand, who shook his head.

"I don't know which question I want to ask first." A ginger male grunted. This must be High Lord Beron. "Helion, why have you brought one of your whores to an important meeting?"

Helion went to respond, but I broke out in laughter. I could feel Helion's shoulders rise and fall next to me in response to his chuckle and I caught the amusement on Nyx's face before I calmed myself.

"I don't see what's so funny." Beron ground out. Oh he has a fragile ego, I can't wait to crush it.

"High Lord Helion did an amazing job at describing each of you to me, but he failed to mention your admirable sense of humor High Lord Beron! I apologize on his behalf, truly the mistake will never be made again." I contained another burst of laughter behind a wide smile. Beron's face burned so red I thought he would combust right here.

"It is I who should apologize, Beron. It's refreshing to have someone catch my mistakes, is it not?" Helion teased.

"I like her. Do your Court a favor and keep her." A male with white hair spoke with and amused tilt to his tone—Tarquin.

"Thank you for your kind words High Lord Tarquin, but I am not his to keep." I raised an eyebrow at the male, who smiled back at me with an impressed huff.

"I assume we're not here to gawk at Helion's whore, let's move onto the important stuff Rhysand." A blonde haired male spoke with boredom—Tamlin. Feyre glared in his direction, as did Nyx, as did I.

Rhysand sighed and Feyre eased up, settling into a state of chilling calm. "As you know, the Prison's wards are failing. Some creatures have escaped, but the weaker ones still remain. We need your help to capture the beasts and strengthen the wards." Feyre looked to Helion at her last request.

"I can do that. What beings have escaped?" Helion's voice was lethally calm, almost angry.

"A handful of Death Gods." Rhysand spoke, mimicking Helion's tone.

I shuddered at the thought of Death Gods roaming Prythian freely and all of the damage they could cause.

"Why should we help you? I think we've saved your asses enough." Beron grumbled from his chair.

"This is everyone's problem, not just ours. The Death Gods are not limited to the boundaries of the Night Court. I would advise you to act a little more concerned for your people." Feyre scolded the High Lord and I smirked as he rolled his eyes. I wounded his ego enough that he didn't respond.

"So what? You've created a problem and now you expect us to fend for ourselves?" Tamlin grumbled.

"Of course not, we have to come up with a plan to get them back into the Prison." Feyre shot back.

"Or we could kill them." Helion spoke up casually. Every head, including mine, turned to his in shock. It was nearly impossible to kill a Death God, everyone knows that.

"What tricks do you have up your sleeve?" Rhysand sat forward, intrigued.

"Well, just one trick. Or, as Tamlin and Beron so lovingly called her, whore. Tell me Mara, do you hide your right hand for a reason, or is the dark energy flowing off of you just a side affect of whatever perfume you wear?" Helion stared down at me with a calm smile.

I stared him down with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

"Go on, show the peanut gallery your beautifully pale hand. How long have you been missing your other glove?" Helion questioned but he knew the answer.

The red-siphoned Illyrian snorted, pulling my gaze away from Helion. Every single set of eyes was on me. I didn't feel powerful at all.

I was truly a pawn.

And I absolutely loathed that idea.

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