chapter 20

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Morning training with Feyre was incredibly awkward, but if she noticed Nyx's scent on me, she didn't say anything.

I had scrubbed myself raw trying to rid myself of it—not out of shame but to avoid the uncomfortable training session that I've been enduring for the past hour.

She had me jumping from cliffs now, bobbing and weaving through the lines of trees. It was a difficult task to battle, but I finally got the hand of it after painfully connecting with bark a handful of times.

I groaned as I dragged my feet back to where she sat on a log. "I think I might die."

She waved a dismissive hand. "Don't be over dramatic, you're doing great." She gave me a warm smile as she passed me her water pouch. I drank from it fervently, then sat next to her to catch my breath. "I wanted to thank you again for saving me. I know it must have brought back awful memories..." Feyre trailed off, looking down at her hands clasped in her lap.

"I was so scared that I killed you like I killed my mother. I—I don't think I would've survived if I did." I frowned down at my own hands now.

Feyre looked over to me. "You would've. You're stronger than you think Bella. You would've survived it and everyone would've helped you through it."

I scoffed at closed my eyes up at the sun. "I can say with 100% certainty that Rhysand would've gutted me on the spot."

She let out a soft chuckle, then stood from the log. "Maybe you're right, but none of it matters because you didn't kill me. So thank you, because that arrow would've."

I smiled softly at her, then took her hand when she extended it to me.

"Race you back?" A taunting smile appeared on her face, and my blood rumbled with the sound of competition.

"You're on, grandma." I teased, then shot into the air as she let out a bewildered laugh and followed closely behind. I had so much more strength now, even though I was exhausted from training. I pushed myself to go faster and harder against the air as we raced.

She caught up to me quickly. I looked to my right to see her next to me. She looked over and yawned teasingly before shooting out in front of me. I gritted my teeth and pushed myself even more than I thought possible. When we reached the River House, she had landed in the grass before me. I grumbled, but congratulated her before falling over in the grass on my back as she walked inside.

The sun beat down on me and warmed my already overheated face. I closed my eyes to avoid blinding myself, but a shadow chased the sun away. I opened my eyes again to see Cal crossing his arms standing over me. "Stand up lazy bones."

"Go away." I grumbled, but he just bent over to grab my arm and yanked me to my feet. I wobbled slightly before standing firmly on my own. "What do you want?"

"Someone's grouchy today?" Cal rose an eyebrow at me as we walked inside. I shook my head with a laugh before pushing him with all the strength I had left, which wasn't a lot.

He stumbled to side laughing before pushing me lightly back. "I wanted to call a truce on our prank war."

"Scared of losing?" I teased.

"Absolutely not." He scoffed.

I hummed, tapping my chin contemplatively as I slid into the seat at the kitchen island. "I don't do truces, I win."

"Fine, then you win." He slid me a premade sandwich.

"I win? What do I win?" I teased before taking a big bite—one that I immediately spit out as he doubled over with laughter. "Gross! What even is this?" I pulled apart the bread to see that he smothered it in an unhealthy amount of salt and pepper.

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