Nerd || Chapter Fifteen

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'Never planned that one day I'd be losing you'•The one that got away - Katy Perry•

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'Never planned that one day I'd be losing you'
•The one that got away - Katy Perry•

Eli had no way of returning your phone other than to just wait until he saw you again. You clearly didn't want that, yes, he knew, you told him but he didn't want you having to go another day without it. He didn't even know if you where okay?

But here you where, the next day. Doing just fine how you where. You had to explain to your dad that there was no walk to the beach or whatever silly excuse Eli had made up and that you just felt ill instead and needed to go home. You didn't tell him about the argument - well that's if he didn't hear it of course - because you wanted your dad to know that what he did moving back here was the right thing to do. You didn't wanna cause any more trouble for him by making him think his daughter is unhappy with her troubled 'friend' life at the moment. Well friend is a strong word now it comes to Hawk.

Leo had been a true gentleman that night beforehand, showing you to the door before wishing you a goodnight - swapping contacts before he left your view so you could make other plans. You where happy with yourself. Happy that you could actually trust someone and let them in without asking for the other boys input. You would always be scared of making new friends, especially boys because you Miguel, Eli and Demitri had such a close bond you never wanted it to break, especially over letting another person in. So you just kept it the four of you back then.

But now the two of you.

Two of you sat alone at dinner the next day at school. Not saying a proper thing to one another other than what your next class was or how bad the weather had been lately. Demitri wasn't the easiest to get along with when it came to just you and him, don't get yourself wrong he was an amazing friend but if Miguel or Eli wasn't there with the both of you it somehow just felt odd. Well you thought that anyways. Who knew what Demitri was thinking in that ever so confusing brain of his.

"So Miss Alex, I had a pleasant visitor this morning." He started sarcastically, opening his second pot of apple sauce that day, licking his lips.

"Pleasant as in 'wow great haven't seen you in a while, how are you?' or 'get the hell out of my face i never want to see you again why are you talking to me?' because if so i can probably guess either way." You snort, fiddling with the plastic wrapper that was wrapped tightly around your bottled water. Part of you didn't want to admit that you knew exactly who he was talking about but deep down you knew he had to be spoken about someday. You just hoped it would have come later than this.

"Well what do you think?"

You sighed. "Eli?"

"No actually, 'Hawk'" Demitri air quotes in a deep accent, playing the same scowl on his face that he had sometimes seen Hawk himself wear.

"I'll only listen if it was either an apology or an explanation for all of this." You say reluctantly, turning your head from to look at him like a child not getting your own way.

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