Robert The Fly

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Rowan Pov:
Today is the last day of shooting Girl Meets World for a while. I'm pretty excited because it is a rucas episode.
Wait, what? Why did I just say that?
Any way, I started walking towards my dressing room and I saw Peyton out of the corner of my eye. I felt my cheeks get warm and I froze.
What the heck is happening to me?
I try to snap out of it by slapping myself in the face. That was the wrong choice, because one: it hurt, really bad. And two: Peyton saw me and started walking towards me.

Peyton Pov:
I was talking to Corey and out of the corner of my eye I saw Rowan slap herself. And it wasn't a light tap, It was hard. I couldn't help but smile because that is totally a Rowan thing to do. We call it Rowan moments, and boy do they happen often. So I walked over to where she was standing to make sure she was alright.
When I got over to her, she was rubbing her cheek. And for some reason, I felt the urge to kiss it...
What the? Just pretend I didn't say that.

"Hey Row,"
"Oh! Hey Peyton, I- uh- didn't see you there!"
Is she stuttering?
"Well I did."
She didn't say anything.
"Rowan, I saw you hit yourself in the face."
"Oh, that? That was nothing."
"Rowan. Tell me why you hit yourself in the face."
Her eyes got wide. Did it have something to do with me?
There was a long pause.
"I was just... playing. Yeah playing."
I rose my eyebrows.
"With... a- uh- fly. Yep, a fly."
"A fly?"
"Yeah, we were playing..."
She mumbled something.
"What was that?"
"Tag. We were playing tag."
"You were playing tag with a fly."
"Uh yeah, you- you don't do that?"
"And so when I went to tag him and he flew away, making my hand hit my face."
"It was a him?"
"Uh yeah, his name was Robert, actually."
"You named the fly Robert."
I just stared at her.
"And Robert had a dream. That lil guy wanted to be a magician, but no one listens to a fly right? So he went any way. His dreams are probably coming true right this second because that lil kid never stops believing. Remember that."
"Rowan that was literally so stu-"
"WELP look at the time I gotta go."
She ran off and as she was halfway down the hallway she yelled,
"I'll see you on set!"
Leaving me there pretty confused yet satisfied.
Whatta Rowan moment.

Rowan Pov:
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
Robert, really?
What the heck was I doing.
He probably thinks I'm more of a freak then I already am.
Way to go Rowan, way to go.
Authors note:
Sorry if it's really bad😬
It's my first try.

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