I need to see my sister!

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Peyton Pov:
"ROWAN NO!" I scream.
But I was too late.
She was laying on the hard ground, and there was blood, a lot of blood.
I ran to her and felt for pulse. I couldn't tell if her heart was beating or not.
"Oh my god. Oh my god. Rowan please."
She didn't move.

I did this to her. I'm the one that drove her out here. It's all my fault.
I couldn't keep the tears back. They were dripping from my eyes one by one, falling onto her still body.

Finally, I heard the ambulance sound. They came around the corner and stopped right in front of us.
One of the medics came out of the ambulance. "OKAY EVERYONE! QUICKLY SHES LOSING ALOT OF BLOOD."
They picked her up and set her on the stretcher. Then they put her in the back of the ambulance. I was about to get in, but one of the medics stopped me.
"And who are you?"
"I'm her b- I'm her friend."
"Sorry kid, only family members aloud."
"But she needs me!"
"It's against our policy."
I stared at him. Hard. I tried to keep cool, but I couldn't. They were keeping me from seeing her, when she needed me most. The anger was building up inside of me. I balled my hands into fists, and I punched him. Right in the nose.
What did I just do?
Before I knew it, he came up to me, grabbed me by the neck of my shirt, and pulled me to his eye level.
"Hey kid. You're lucky I could get sued if I beat up a teenager."
He pushed me back to the ground and I fell backwards on the cement. He got in the ambulance and they left. They took her away from me, possibly forever.

Rowan Pov:
How did I get in the hospital? I don't remember anything since I saw Peyton kiss Olivia.
Ugh, Peyton. I hate Peyton.

My phone wasn't on me, so I went up to the reception lady to see if I could call my mom.
"Excuse me?"
No answer.
"Um, excuse me?"
Again, no answer.
"Er, lady? You there?"
What in the world? Why wasn't she answering?
"Er, okay. You seem busy."
Then a family ran in the doors of the hospital. Wait a second. Is that Carmen? What the heck is my family doing here?
They ran past me and through the hallway.
Did they not see me standing here?
"Um guys? Wait up!"
I ran after them and they stopped in front of a door. Carmen tried opening it but it was locked. Her eyes got wide.
"Yes Carmen it's me. What's going on?"
She was trying to open the door more, but she couldn't. Then she started kicking and punching the door.
"Carmen honey stop."
"Carmen!" I tried getting her attention. "Carmen I'm right here!"
A doctor came running around the corner.
"Hey! You can't go in there. She's in severe condition."
Who's 'she'?
"I need to see my sister!"
"Carmen I'm right here!"
"You'll be able to see her in a few hours ju-"
"Carmen do what the doc-"
Then she started sobbing. My sister rarely cries. What is going on?
"Carmen?" Why wasn't she listening to me?
She ran up to the window going into a room and cried some more.
I looked through the window and saw someone laying in a hospital bed. Who is that? I tried putting my face up to the window and suddenly I was inside the room.
Is this a dream?
I saw Carmen on the other side of the window. How did I get in here?
The person on the bed was a girl. She had dark brown hair.
My heart started beating faster than ever.
I walked towards the bed. Slowly. Then I saw her face.
It was me.
Was I dying?
It can't be.
"No! NO!"
I walked backwards from my still body and suddenly I was back out in the hallway with my family. Oh my god.

Carmen was settled down and they were talking to the doctor.
"She was hit. The car didn't see her and they hit her. It wasn't moving at full speed."
I was hit?
Then she said something about a coma.
I'm in a coma? What.
Then my little brother Shane spoke up.
"Will I ever get to see my big sister again?"
The doctor looked sympathetic.
"I don't know, little guy."
What? She doesn't know?
That caught Carmen's attention.
"What? You don't know! YOU DONT KNOW?"
"Hon, we are doing the best we can!"
Then she ran to the waiting room with everyone else following her, leaving me there, all alone.

I couldn't wrap my brain around everything. It couldn't be true. This is all just a dream, and when I pinch myself, I'll wake up in my own bed. I pinch myself who knows how many times, but it didn't work. I was dying.

They finally let people come visit me, but it was one by one. Carmen was the first to come in.

She walked up to my body and sat down, just staring at me.
My beautiful little sister. I can't leave her. She needs me.
"Rowan I- I love you and-" she started sobbing again. I put my hand over my mouth, trying to keep back the sobs myself.
"Rowan please don't leave me." she said in between sobs. "You always know what to do when I have a problem. I tell you everything. All my secrets. And you listen. You listen to everything I have to say. Who and I going to tell stuff to if- if you leave me?"
Tears were falling down from my eyes, down my cheeks, and falling to the floor.
I wanted to hug and kiss her. I wanted to tell her that everything was going to be okay, and that she could get through it. But I couldn't. I couldn't tell my sister I loved her. I couldn't do anything to make her feel safe. I couldn't even punch the wall to get my anger out. Nothing. I had the ability to do nothing.

I didn't want my my sister to leave, but finally her time was up. Then my mom, dad, and brother visited. I cried through everyone of them. I just wanted to tell my family that I loved them, because I have learned that I don't do it often enough.

After they all visited, they had to go back in the waiting room, and I was alone again.

And I couldn't help but wonder where Peyton was.

Don't Leave Me Now | ReytonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora