But We Could Die

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Rowan Pov:
I was sitting in my living room with my sister Carmen when Sabrina texted me.

Sabbbb💞: You can come over now
Rowan: Kk I'll have my mom bring me

Carmen was watching me the whole time.
"Can I come?"
"Well, Sabrina has a policy at her house. Thirteen year olds and older are only aloud in."
"I've been in her house before?"
"It's a new rule."
She rolled her eyes.
There was a long pause.
"I know you like Peyton, Rowan."
How is this getting around?
"How did you find out???"
"I read your text."
"Please don't tell mom. She will say he's too old for me!"
"I won't, I won't."
"Really?" I asked, dumbfounded.
"Yeah. I ship Reyton."
I smiled and gave her a hug. Sometimes she can be really great.

I was the first one to get to Sabs house. I walked in and Sabrina was texting someone, probably Bradley. And Sarah was taking selfies. Typical day at the Carpenter house.
"Hey Row." they both said.
"Hey guys."
I sat and got out my phone and checked my Instagram. I went on the Reyton hashtag and looked through them. I liked a few of the ones I really liked, and my feed started blowing up. Some of the accounts were like:
"OMG she liked! And it's Reyton!"
I laughed a little.
"What are you looking at, Row?" Sabrina asked
"Uh nothing!"
My face got hot.
"Sarah knows Rowan."
"Oh." I said, looking at my feet.
"Don't worry, your lover will be here soon."
She winked at me and my face got even hotter. They just laughed at me.
Sure enough someone knocked on the door.
My face got even hotter. 'Rowan pull yourself together' I thought. I was about to slap my self but I stopped because, well- you know.
"I'll get it." I said
Here we go.

Peyton Pov:
When Sabrina said that Rowan was going to be at her house too, I smiled a little. I don't know what is happening to me. Rowan's like a little sister to me, but she HAS been acting weird...
I just put this thought behind me and got ready.
Peyton C picked me and Bradley up and we headed over. I think it might be awkward though, because Sabrina and Bradley are a couple and Sarah and Peyton C are a couple. So that leaves me and Rowan together, alone. And I'm not sure I want to be in a relationship, and I don't think that she does either.
When we get there, we all go up to the porch and I knock. And a cute little brunette opens the door and I smile. Er- I mean- cute as in a little sister. Duh.
Anyway, she smiles back and let's us in.

We all just talk and use our phones for about two hours. I keep flirting with Rowan and I don't know why. I just feel the urge to be near her whenever I see her. I need to stop or people are going to think I like her. And maybe I do.

Rowan Pov:
I keep flirting with Peyton and I need to stop or I'm going to make it obvious that I like him. And I know he doesn't like me like that.
It sky starts to cloud up and it gets really dark, even though it's only seven, and it's summer.
"Looks like a storms 'a brewin'." Bradley said.
"Lets play truth or dare, K?" Sarah says
I really don't want to play truth or dare because I know what they are going to do.
"But we always play that game. We shou-"
"No." she protested, "We are playing truth or dare."
"No buts."
I frowned.
We all got into a circle, like we always do, because we literally play this game every time we get together. And they always make me and Peyton do stuff with each other. It's never bothered me then, but it does now.
Sabrina starts.
"Hmm, Peyton. Truth or dare?"
"Um, dare."
"I dare you to... um, go outside in the rain with... Row."
He got a little red.
"What!?" I yelled a little louder than expected.
She looked so satisfied. I wanted to smack that smug look right off of her face.
I had to make an excuse, but Peyton beat me to it.
"But we could die."
"It's just rain."
It was my turn now.
"But I don't like the rain."
"Uh, yeah you do..."
"No I don't."
"Rowan, literally every time it rains you ask, 'Oh my gosh lets go play in the rain lolzzzz!'"
I narrowed my eyebrows at her.
"I don't say lolzzzz out loud, Sabrina."
"I know you love me Row."
I smiled at her.
"Well times a ticking Peyton." Bradley said.
"Fine." We both said.
"Can I at least get a coat on?"
"Rowan," Sabrina started, "It is 85 degrees out. Why in the world would you need a coat?"
"Well you know rain equals water and water equals- um- well- I Don't know!!!"
"Just get out there!"
I walked out and Peyton followed. They shut the door behind us and locked it.
The rain was dancing on my skin and drenching my hair. My eyes started to look up at his beautiful green eyes.
"So, I was wondering," he shouted through the rain, "Does Robert like the rain."
Why does he keep bring up Robert? Robert should be the least if his worries right now. Even though Robert is a courageous and brave soul that would do anything for a gal like me. Wait, what am I saying?
"Oh, he loves the rain. It is his favorite type of weather."
He smiled at me and I giggled a little. Then we just stared in each other's eyes. I felt so alive.
He must've too because he got closer and put his hand on my check and my waist. Then he started to lean in. I didn't know what to do, but then I felt the sparks, the sparks I felt when Riley and Lucas kissed, but this was real. So I started to lean in to. Our lips were brushing when somebody called,
"HEY LOVEBIRDS! Get in here or your going to catch a cold!"
"Or herpes."
The last remark was from Bradley.
"Seriously dude?" Peyton shouted. "Bad timing."
I just laughed. Then he took my hand and guided me inside.
Authors Note:
I'm think I'm going to add Robert in all my chapters because Robert slays

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