I Cant Loose You Again

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Rowan Pov:
We got to my house and I timidly opened the car door and got out. I was scared to face my mom and dad, or whatever they are. I walked up to the door step and Peyton held my hand.

"We'll get through this together, Row." I nodded and smiled.

We walked through the door and straight to the kitchen to where my mom and dad were.

"Oh hey Rowan. Hey Peyton." My mom said cheerfully.

"Mom, we need to talk."

"About what?"

"About this!" I said, taking my bandage off my leg, showing the blue gel. My mom seemed to have stopped breathing, and my dad's eyes got wide. I saw Carmen and and Shane run to their rooms, and at the last second, Carmen turned and looked at me with fear in her eyes, before running the rest of the way. I'm a monster.

"We told you not to shave." My mom said, showing sings of defeat.

"Tell me what's going on, I deserve to know."

My parents exchanged glances and nodded. Soon Peyton and I were being guided to the couch and my parents sat a crossed from us.

"You're right Rowan," My dad said, "You do deserve to know."

I nodded and squeezed Peyton's hand tighter.

"First things first, you were transferred to the Oregon hospital because you were going to die if you stayed here at LA, plain and simple. We didn't want to loose our baby girl." My moms eyes started to get wet and I was fighting mine back myself.

"And we're not just yoga teachers, Rowan. We're scientist, and we were studying the science of Bio Gel, the gel that is inside your body." I looked down at my leg. Bio Gel?

"So I'm a robot?"

"Not exactly. You are still yourself and you have the same feelings. You have your own skin, but you have different lungs and a different heart. You still wouldn't have been able to make it with all of those changes, so we put the bio gel in you, in replace of blood. It works the same, pretty much. We also had you access 80% of your brain, it was the only way to save you." He paused, and started again. "Also, you die off when the bio gel dies off."

"When's that?!"

"We have no idea. It could be tomorrow, or it could be in 100 years."

His words stung me, leaving me speechless.

"I know it's a lot to take in Rowan." my mom said.

I sprang up from the couch and ran out the door, wiping my tears. The outside air stung my cheeks. I walked to the front yard and sat there, not knowing what to do.

The front door opened and Peyton sat down beside me.

"You don't have to do this, Peyton."


"You don't have to stay with me. I'm not human, and I could die any moment, or not at all. Im a mess and I-I don't want to hurt you."

"Rowan, no. I already almost lost you, and I wasn't able to function without seeing your face everyday. I was a mess and if you left again, I...." he trailed off. "I can't loose you again, Rowan. This is the time you need me most, and I need you too. I love you."

"I love you too Peyton."

He leaned in and we kissed, we kissed like we were the only two people in the world.

100 years later:
I'm still alive and well. I am mentally 115 years old. But I stopped physically aging at 30.

When I was 20, Peyton and I got married. Shortly after that, we had our first child. It was a girl and we named her Riley. Ironically, she was a sweet little girl who had the most positive attitude, and could brighten your day in one smile. Two years later, we had a boy named Lucas, who was athletic, laid back, and one of the most loyal kids I've ever met.

My parents are long gone, and all of my friends died around 20 years ago, including Peyton. I'm still mourning, and it was really hard on me, losing the one I loved most, including Sabrina. Peyton stayed as long as he could, but eventually, he left. Right before he passed away, he gave me a necklace with an infinity sign.

"Our love is infinite." was one of his last words.

I wear this necklace everyday, holding on to his last words. But I know he is watching over me, a love like this never dies.
Authors Note:
Well that's the end! Sorry if it's kind of rushed but that's okay. I will start another story, but I'm debating on if I should do my idea or not.
Never Let Go:
Riley Matthews is a rich 17 year old American girl, who is traveling from Southampton, England to New York City on the Titanic. About to get engaged to her finance Brandon, Riley is feeling the pressure of her rich family about marriage and growing up, when all she really wants to do is life her life as a teenager.

When Riley meets Lucas Friar, a charming 17 year old third class passenger who saves her life, things take an unexpected turn and Riley learns the true meaning of love and friendship, no matter the differences.

But we all know what happens on the Titanic, right?
So it wouldn't be exactly like the movie but it would be close.

Tell me what you think! Does it sound interesting? I want to write but I want people to read it to.

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