Blue Gel

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Peyton Pov:
Rowan gave in and pressed her lips back against mine. I wanted to show her that I loved her, and she kept blabbering on so I needed a way to shut her up.

When we pulled away, she had a big smile on her face, "That was a nice way to shut me up."

I smiled at her and then all of the sudden my mom ran in my room. Rowan and I jumped back, hoping she didn't see what happened.

"Nice move Pey, you guys are so cute." She said with a big smile.

"Mom!" I yelled.


"You're embarrassing me!"

Rowan snickered and I kicked her.

"Anyway," my mom started, "I just got called in for work, turns out I have to do a night shift. I don't want to leave you two here alone but I have to go right now. So Peyton take Rowan home whenever you guys fell like it. But it has to be before 9:30, okay?"

"Okay." Rowan and I say in unison.

"And no funny business."

"Wouldn't think of it, mom."

"Right." And with that, she turned and left.

When she left Rowan jumped up and down on her heels. "Your mom is being really nice to me, I feel like it's out of pity."

I put my arm around her. "Nah, she just feels bad about being mean to you and pretty much all of my friends."

She smiled at me and I kissed her forehead.

"Oh! Peyton," she started, "can I shave my legs, my mom won't let me."

My eyes went down to look at her legs, but she covered them up. "Don't look at them!"

"Fine, but why won't your mom let you shave your legs?"

"She's being really protective lately, I don't know why."

"Hm, well yeah, the razor is in the closet. I'll be here when you get back."

"Okay!" She said and ran out my door.

Rowan Pov:
I started the water and took of my socks. I put my feet over the tub and rinsed them off. Man, they were so hairy. That is so embarrassing.

I put the shaving cream on and started shaving. Thoughts were rolling through my mind. Am I a robot? Why is my mom being so protective? Yeah, I just got out of a coma, but seriously I should be able to shave my legs. I tried to shake them off, but they just kept coming back.

80% 80% 80%

I'm not human.

I'm not human.

I'm not human.

My heart started beating faster and faster.

I'm not human.

Suddenly, my razor slide a crossed my skin and I shrieked in pain.

I got up to get a tissue to wipe off the blood, but when I looked down there was no blood. I had a big cut in my leg but there was no blood.

"What the?"

I looked down at my leg to see what was going on, and that's when I saw it. There was blue gel inside of my body, taking the place of my blood.

"AHHH!" I screamed and fell back onto the floor, "PEYTON! OH MY GOD, PEYTON COME HERE!"

Peyton ran into the bathroom and stopped inches away from me.

"ROW-" His eyes got wide when he saw the blue gel. "Oh my God, wha-"

He got interrupted when the tears started flowing out of my eyes.

"Rowan what is going on?!"

"I- I don't know." I croaked out.

He bent down and touched my leg. "I don't understand. What is that?"

"Peyton, I don't know! But I do know that I'm the furthest thing away from a human right now. I'm a robot! Do you understand that? I'm a freaking robot!" The tears started flowing out of my eyes and down on my cheeks.

Peyton got me up from the floor and pulled me in for a tight hug, "It's going to be okay." And I nodded.

We released and Peyton got some tissues to wrap it around my leg.

"My parents know something, Peyton."

"Well, I'm taking you there, to get things straightened out."


We got into his car and he didn't do anything.

"Um, Peyton, start the car."

"Not before you tell me what's been going on. I need to know Rowan, I want to be there for you."

I deep sighed and looked at him. "Fine." I didn't know where to start, so many thing have happened. "Well first off, my mom was being really over protective, You know that."


"I didn't know why then, but I do now. She didn't want me to see this blue gel."

"Mmhmm, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it."

"Me too. But anyway, when Sabrina and I were walking to lunch, I froze time."

He rose an eyebrow, "What?"

"Yeah. I said 'EVERYONE STOP' and everything stopped."

He quickly looked at me, then back down at his legs.

I stared at him hard, "You don't have to believe me Peyton, but that's what happened." I said with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"No Rowan I believe you!"

I just turned to look at the window.

"Whatever. I doubt you care about it that much."

Suddenly, there were two hands on my shoulders that turned me to looked back at him.

"What are you talking about? If I didn't care, would I be sitting in this car with you right now?"

I looked down at my legs, "I just want you to believe me."

"I do! But I know that there's more."

"There is, I can access 80% of my brain, so technically I'm some sort of robot, at age fifteen."



He started the car and we rode off in silence.
Authors Note:
Next chapter is going to have a big reveal...
But reyton is so cute I can't

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