Right, Blood.

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Rowan Pov:
We run downstairs because I have so much energy and stop at the kitchen counter were my mom is standing.
"You girls seem happy!"
"We are!"
I go to the pantry and take out some bread.
"I'm making myself a sandwich. You want one Sab?"
Before she could answer, my mom took the brea from me.
"Really Rowan? You just got out of a two year comma and you think that you can just eat regular food?"
"Er- I didn't really think about it. But what am I supposed to eat."
I wrinkled my nose.
"Yep. Here Sabrina," she handed her the bread "You can make one."

My mom was making my smoothie so I decided to start dancing around my kitchen.
"I haven't been able to dance in so long!"
"Maybe that was for the better." Sabrina said, stuffing her face.
"Haters are my motiv-OUCH!"
I was suddenly on the ground clutching my skinned knee.
"ROWAN!" My mom screamed.
"Mom I'm fine! It's just a skinned knee."
"Is there any liquids coming out?"
"Um, I think you're thinking of blood, and no there is none."
"Right, blood."
She helped me up and me and Sabrina exchanged looks.
"Well," Sabrina started, "were gonna go to Peyton's house."
"Okay. Be careful Rowan!"
"I will I will!"
"Don't forget your smoothie!"
"Oh right!"
I ran back and got my smoothie from the counter.
"Thanks mom!"

We were walking down the sidewalk to Peyton's house and I was slurping up the last of my smoothie.
"Your mom was acting really weird."
"I know it was like she has never heard of blood before."
"Yeah I know."
"So what IS your plan for this?"
"Well I'm going to knock to try and get in. He hates me but I hope it will work. Then his lover will walk in with me and POOF! He'll be back to normal."
"Hmm, nice!"
"I know."
We finally got to his house and Sabrina knocked on the door.
"Who is it."
It was Peyton. Man I missed his voice.
"I don't want to talk to you."
"Come on!"
"If you're not Rowan, I don't want to talk. And obviously you're not cause she's in a freaking COMA!"
Obviously he hasn't watch the news lately because it says I'm awake on almost all of the news channels.
"Peyton! You're eighteen! You need to live your life!"
"Don't care."
"Just please let me in. I have a surprise."
There was a pause.
"Fine make it quick."
She opens the door and we both walk in. The scene in his house was disturbing. He wasn't facing the door, instead he wasn't facing the opposite way towards the tv where he was watching The Fault In Our Stars, along with a box of tissues beside him.
"What do you want, Sabrina."
I find the courage to speak up.
"Wow Peyton, this is pathetic."
His head jolts towards us and I smile at him. He quickly gets up from the couch an walks towards me.
"Is it really you?"
I laugh.
"Yes it's really me!"
He wraps his arms around me and I do the same. Then he picked me up and twirled me around. We were laughing the whole time. He finally stopped and I put my legs around his waist.
"I'm so happy you're back Row."
"Me too."
"My life was kinda going down hill, if you couldn't tell."
"It's not noticeable. I mean, teenage boys always watch girly movies with tissues."
He brought me down and playfully punched my shoulder.
"Hey hey hey take it easy on the coma girl." Sabrina said.
We all laughed and me and Peyton couldn't stop smiling at each other.
"Are you and Sabrina on speaking terms now?" I asked Peyton.
"Do you want us to be?"
"Then sure."
"Wow! Thanks Peyton you're too sweet." Sabrina said sarcastically.
I tilted my head sideways at her and she just shrugged.
"Peyton were going shopping. You want to come with us?" I asked.
"Nah, I need to get cleaned up. I kinda smell."
"I wasn't going to bring it up," I started, "but you do smell, kinda like dog food."
Sabrina rose her eyebrows at me and Peyton just laughed.
"I'll meet you guys at In & Out at seven?"
"Sounds good!"
And with that we started walking to the mall.

Halfway into the trip, I noticed something.
"My legs!"
She looked at my legs and a big smile appeared her face.
The she started cracking up.
"Sabrina! Peyton probably saw them!"
"They're probably as long as his!"
She was so amused.
"What am I going to do?"
"Just buy a pair of long pants. Then you can shave them when you get home."
"Okay, I can do that."
"Just... Try to hid them until then."
I started thinking about my whole appearance.
"I don't even want to look at my armpits."
She started cracking up again.
"I guess that's what two years does to ya!"
I elbowed her.
"Do my eyebrows need plucked?"
She observed them.
"Oooh, we'll do that too."
"Oh honey your breath! It reeks! HAHAHAHA!"
"Oh no! I talked and his face was really close to mine!"
"Don't worry about it. His own odor probably blocked it out."

We finally get to the mall and we make it to all of the new hip stores. We put on our new hipster clothes including the pants, I brush my teeth and fix my hair, and then we head to In & Out.
Authors Note:
This was really fun to write Ahhahah
Wow 2 updates in one day what
I did a little bit of foreshadowing of the ending.
And this part of the story is based off of a real book too.

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