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Sophie POV. 🦄

I travel for days, trying to push out my thoughts by attempting to hit poor innocent trees that I pass.

I need to get back to the school... and quick.

All my friends will be waiting for me, outside, arms spread, they'll tackle me in a hug, and I'll tell them all about my adventures... I can imagine it.

All I do these days is rest, sleep, walk. 

I dont eat. I cant eat. Even the thought of food makes me sick.

I just walk.



I trip for the millionth time.

I gather myself off, and brush the soft pine-needles off my bloody, muddy, pink pinifore.

I'm in a pine forest, I've been traveling East. 

Theres mountains ahead, if I get up on them, I should be able to spot school.

I hear a crunch behind me.

My reflexes' surprise even myself. I drop the log that i'd somehow been able to hoist up in less then a second.

I scramble to catch it again.

"Lookie what we have here Rhian!" A voice says.

I swivel towards where I'd heard it, but theres no one in sight.

I brush off the voice, My mind is a little undependable these days...

A hand clamps on my shoulder, and I scream. A different voice, perhaps a little higheer pitched, says "this must be the one Gisela wants? Looks a little flimsy to have gotten out all by herself."

"Yesssss." The first voice agrees, hissing like a snake... 

"Well lets get back to the horse then." the higher voice decides. 

I'd been frozen the whole time, but now I unfreeze.

I twist the man whos holding mes arm and he yelps and lets go, i duck under him, and I run.

Green blinds me as I run.

Must be the trees. I decide.

something sharp skims my ear, I halt. Standing stick-still.

"What is it girly, is there womething wrong?" A voice cues. "Are you scared of me? I'm not that scary, am I?"

I shake my head slightly, as I feel something cold and slick against my neck. 

I shiver.

"Gisela wants her now. No time for games Japeth." The man who was holding me says. He has amber skin and cooper-brown hair and he jogs towards me.

"Yes yes." The other man steps out of the shadows, less then a meter from me.

I gulp, these guys are good, good as in skilled, theyre otherwise evil.

 "Lets get her to the horse." The man from the shadows procedes into the light, his skin is nearly unseen. Covered with little scales, scales that I could see, were also covering her surroundings.

I feel a pang in my head the same second a 'BONK' is heard.



Keefe POV. 💎

I grab Linh's arm and I drag her the opposite direction to the roar, the others follow.

We all duck behind a log.

"Linh, whats going on?" 

I turn to see Bangs Boy squatting beside his sister, holding her shoulders.

"Its no-nothing." Linh stares to where the darkness starts, the darkness which we're being sheltered by the torch Dex was smart enough to remember.

"Linh." Marella eyes her sternly, "dont be dumb. Theres something off."

I nearly scoff. 'Somthing OfF?!' Yeeeeeah right. first Foster kidnapped, then a ground shaking roar. there NoThInG to worry about.

I clap my hand to get attention.

"Linh's fine." I tell them all, "we just have to get out of this place."

Linh nods slightly, Tam and Marella exchange an unimpressed look.

I think for a minute, "lets spread out."

They all agree, and we deal into groups. Dex, Marella and Me. Tam, Biana, and Linh.

Minutes after we seperate, I swivel to the sound of a scream.

Not just any scream.

Linh's scream.


MWHAHAHAHHA whats gonna happen next? Me gonna have to keep that a secret....

Hope ya'll enjoyed!

~> sparky ✨💎<~

(has been redone)

Word count: 658

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