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xxxiii. facing darkness is kind of my thing


{"Once again we're stuck in a life threatening situation. Who's surprised?"}

 Who's surprised?"}

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"I look so peaceful," Lizzie said as she, MG, and Jennie stared down at the casket where Hope—disguised as Lizzie—laid. The three of them were currently planning for Lizzie's fake funeral.

Last night Jed had discovered a magical eye that was being used to spy on the school by The Necromancer. Since he was now in league with Josie, they had to keep up the facade that Josie had killed Lizzie in the merge to buy Hope enough time to search through Dark Josie's mind and bring back the real Josie. Now, Lizzie was hellbent on making the "perfect funeral". Jennie could already tell this was going to be a complete shit show. However, if this was what Lizzie wanted then Jennie would do it.

"Angelic, even," Lizzie glanced up at MG with a cocky smile. "No wonder you had a thing for me."

"That's not why I had a thing for you." MG denied as he closed the casket. "And why are you speaking in the past tense? You're totally alive."

Lizzie pointed to a nearby wall, ignoring MG's comment."That wreath can't go there. That is where the doves are being released, which is after the video, remember?" Lizzie moved towards a table full of flowers and started tinkering with them.

"No. Lizzie," MG set the wreath that he was holding down, "this does not matter, okay? None of this is real. It's just a show."

Jennie groaned from where she stood, leaning against the casket. "Just let the girl do what she wants MG, for christ's sake." MG should know Lizzie well enough by now to know there was not a damn thing that he could do or say that would dissuade Lizzie. Once she made up her mind that was it. Unlike MG, Jennie was smart and chose the path of least resistance. This funeral was happening in full Lizzie fashion whether anybody wanted it or not.

Lizzie temporarily took a break from the flowers to face MG. "Yeah, a show to convince Homicidal Hot Topic Josie that she actually killed me, so it better be a damn good one." Lizzie turned back to the table, "There's still so much left to do."

"If you're trying to play dead, managing your own funeral defeats the point." MG tried to reason. Unfortunately, Lizzie was already prepared for that.

"I'm way ahead of you there. That is what this freakishly large ring is for." Lizzie held up the ring Clarke used to cloak himself as Professor Vardemus before slipping it on her finger. The ring glowed bright red and an illusion of Hope now stood where Lizzie was previously standing. Jennie grimaced. This was going to be a disaster.

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