Chapter 28: Stay Close

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"Izuku, we've been studying for two hours. Can we please take a break now?" Kyoka questioned, her head beginning to rest onto the desk that the two were seated at. Izuku rolled his eyes as he leaned back in his chair and stretched.

"Well, it's because I've been trying to get you ready for this exam, don't forget that you asked me for help on your math." Izuku retorted, using his index finger to gently poke her cheek. "Plus you've improved so much! You should pass this exam with flying colors!"

Kyoka rolled her eyes and huffed, blowing her bangs out of her face with her breath. "You're dodging the question, Green. I want a break!"

"And a break you shall have." Mika stated, appearing from the door to Kyoka's room with a tray in hand. "I've brought some snacks for you guys, and thank you again, Midoriya. I know she's been complaining, but we all really appreciate you trying to help her out, even if she won't admit it."

"Oi! Don't make me seem ungrateful!" Kyoka exclaimed, whipping her head up to glare at her mother with a red face. Mika only giggled and placed the tray of snacks in front of the couple before walking off, closing the door behind them. "Ugh... S-Sorry if I was seeming a bit ungrateful though. Thanks for helping me understand everything..."

"It's no problem at all, don't worry about it. I'm happy to help!" Izuku said, grinning innocently before standing up from his seat and stretching his legs. Kyoka would spot Izuku's hoodie draped over his chair and snatch it while he was distracted, quickly putting it on as she brought the sleeves up to her nose.

Izuku would turn back around to see Kyoka wearing his white hoodie, which was obviously too big for her, but what made him especially embarrassed was the fact that she was sniffing it.

"K-Kyoka! What are you d-doing with my hoodie!?" Izuku questioned, receiving a rather nonchalant, but questioning expression from the purplette. She tilted her head and shrugged.

"I dunno I just kinda felt like wearing it, I mean it smells like you. Is that not okay? I can take it off if you want." Kyoka replied, unconsciously continuing to sniff his hoodie, furthering her green haired boyfriend's embarrassment.

Izuku sighed making his way back over, taking a look at the snacks as he picked up an apple slice. , "You know what, it's fine. Matter of fact, keep it for a while."

Kyoka held out her arms as the greenette stood beside her. "Hug me, I need to recharge my battery."

"What? What are you talking about?" Izuku questioned, finishing off his apple slice before stepping into the purplettes arms. Seeing as she was still seated it was a bit more like she was stuffing her head into his torso, but for her it was preferred. "Is this what you meant by a break?"

Izuku would feel the purplette nod, and hum in confirmation. Izuku chuckled and subconsciously knew that he wasn't going to win this sort of debate with her, she's worked hard, so "Recharging her battery" was a well deserved reward.

"Alright, well..." Izuku started, lifting the girl up before making his way over to her bed. "If you're gonna recharge your battery, it's better to be comfortable, right?"

"You know that you don't have to carry me, right?" Kyoka replied, furrowing her brow in annoyance, though she didn't resist being carried.

"Would you rather me put you down?" Izuku countered, a smirk on his face as he held her closer to him. Kyoka blushed and remained silent as the greenette laid her down on her bed. "That's what I thought."

The purplette rolled her eyes, "Oh, look at you getting cocky. What happened to the nerd who let me tease him?"

"He met you and grew thicker skin? You still make me nervous, p-probably more than anyone else..." Izuku replied, a soft blush dusting his cheeks as he laid down beside her.

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