Original Fiction Version | Paperback Copy

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 This fic has been to an original fiction book that I have released on Amazon! 


Willow is the new substitute teacher at the district. A certain student's parent takes a liking to her. After a few encounters with him, she starts to question if the relationship that she is in is really a loving one. Seeds of doubt creep in, with Willow finding herself in the middle of the drama. On her first day, she finds that one of her students is her idol's son. Micheal Stanley is a famous artist that is recently divorced with issues of his own. After an incident brings them closer, making them realize that they can learn to love again.

Trigger warnings: age-gap relationship, abusive relationship

Available now on amazon go pick up a copy: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0939ZG5GD/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=

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I really couldn't have done this without you guys as followers that love my work.

Update: Book #2 in the series, Learning From Love is up for preorder on Amazon! Go check it out if you liked Book #1

Thank you so much!

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