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Evlyn read through the detailed information three times to make sure she hadn't missed anything. With her signature scribbled on several of the page's dotted lines she felt confident she would have an official job within the next couple of days. Feeling a little more relieved she prepared dinner for herself and decided to treat herself to a movie off her neighbor's WiFi

With a bowl chicken alfredo and a cup of lemonade in hand she sat on her bed and hoped she hadn't been kicked off Jasmine's Netflix account yet.

"Yes! I still have access" the small victory making her do a little dance while she slurped the creamy noodles.

After her meal and movie she cuddled in her pillows with a book she'd been reading for the last two weeks. She needed the inspiration and encouragement it offered for those going through hard times. She was pretty much at rock bottom and felt like giving up so many times, she felt like a failure.

Evlyn was fired from her job four months ago after speaking up about the sexual harassment she witnessed of another coworker, someone she thought was also a friend. Thinking the friend would be relieved, and maybe even happy to have someone else do what she couldn't, or wouldn't, do because it was the right thing to do completely backfired. Unfortunately for Evlyn, the man that she accused was the nephew of the company's president and had all the right people in his corner to make her the villain.

She tried, feebly, to fight but in the end she was fired and blackballed from working with any company affiliated in any way, shape or form with Martin Kleaver Co. which happened to be a lot of businesses. They had their filthy hands in everything and had a bed full of people. Evlyn's so-called friends were all too quick to abandon her and believe the lie the nephew started about her coming onto him and after he rejected her she got upset and lied about witnessing him sexually assaulting her coworker. It was the most preposterous thing she had ever heard and could not honestly believe people were buying the bullshit. Apparently people cared more about their jobs than helping and defending someone they knew were right.

She closed the book with a sigh "Doesn't matter now, what's done is done and I'm moving on" with nothing to do she plugged her phone up to charge and laid in bed until she fell asleep.

When Evlyn woke up it was morning and her phone was ringing. She blinked slowly trying to hurry the adjustment of her eyes to brightness the sun poured into her room before answering

"Hello" she cleared her throat trying to sound like she's been up for hours

"Good morning Evlyn, it's Marie I'm sorry to wake you but I was hoping you could come in again today. I have an offer and I'd like to get started on the paperwork"

"Oh, wow already? Yes I-I can come in today, no problem" he's hopped out of bed and tan to her bathroom "So this means I'm hired?"

"Yes, welcome to Premier Services Evlyn. Please don't rush just get here when you can"

"Thank you so much Marie! I'll be there as soon s I can"

"Great I'll see you soon. Bye"


Evlyn throws her fists in the air and two-steps in her bathroom before turning on the shower. While waiting for the water to heat up she grabbed a towel then pushed her hair into a high bun to avoid getting it wet.

After completing her hygiene rituals she dressed in a pair of black pants, paired them with an ivory sweater and her ballet flats. She pulled her hair into a neat, low bun then exited the apartment wearing a jacket and purse. The eager woman made it to the office building just over an hour later and was met by the same receptionist as yesterday.

"Good morning how can I help you"

"Good morning, I am here to see Marie Cunningham from Premier Services. I'm Evlyn Joss"

"Oh yes she did mention she was expecting you. Do you remember where to go?" She answered with a nod and a yes "Great here is a visitors pass for the elevator and Soobin will take you to get you ID badge"

"Thank you" Evlyn made my her way to the ninth floor meeting with Soobin outside the doors "Good morning"

"Good morning. We're going to get your work badge then I'll take you to Marie, do you have the papers from yesterday"

"I sure do" She handed them over and followed behind him when he started walking.

With her badge clipped to her top, Evlyn sat at desktop to watch an introduction video. Once the video was over and she let Marie know she was done.

"Alright Evlyn you're all set. The only thing left to do is set up your direct deposit which I prefer you do on a personal computer or device"

"Okay I'll do that once I'm home. Thanks again for everything Marie"

"Thank you, I'm a little surprised at how calm you've been at the possibility of working for a celebrity, most people get excited or nervous at least but you are surprisingly cool about it'

"Oh, well they're people just like me and I still have a job to do. Not like I'm going to their house on friendly visits so no point in getting all worked up over people I might not see much of anyway" she answered honestly. Marie stood impressed and slightly surprised by her response.

"Well that good to hear. I will warn you that some of the people can be divas and dicks so don't let them get to you, they're just used to being spoiled and surrounded by 'yes men'. If you ever run into any serious problem take the proper channels to file a complaint so we can investigate. Even though we are more like middle men and they are your bosses we don't take lightly to our contractees being harassed or anything of the sort"

Evlyn nodded but knew she'd just keep her head down and be a good little employee. Last time she spoke up she wound up jobless and friendless so she'd just bite the bullet and soldier on if she encountered a problem.

"Okay, so I should be contacted by employers soon to let me know when I can start right?"

"Right, I expect they'll be reaching out this evening or tomorrow. Good luck with everything. We'll check in periodically to make sure the client and the job is still a good fit for you and please reach out if you have questions or need anything."

"Will do. Thank you Marie, have a good evening"

"You too Evlyn, take care"

The newly employed woman walked out of the office building feeling renewed and grateful, although it's a few steps down from her last job it was honest work that she was happy to have.

"I got a job" she quietly cheered on the bus ride home.

"I got a job" she quietly cheered on the bus ride home

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