17. Why are you running?!

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It had been a week since me and Diz started officially dating. And out of my own insecurities, worry, anxiety, panic, and sheer embarassment....

I've been avoiding her.

What else was I supposed to do?!

I enjoyed it all but I just-....

There's just something in the back of my head telling me that I'm not enough.

I'm not pretty enough. I'm not curvy enough. I'm not skinny enough. I'm not humble enough. I'm not worthy of this. Not yet.

When I get my surgery I'm SURE all these dumb insecurities and worries will vanish!....Rig- "Maypel!"

I flinched and looked up at one if my co-workers who was holding some paper looking worried. "Are you okay?"

I blinked and nodded "y-yea. Sorry I had just spaced out.." I mumbled. "Mm..Okay. Here this is the information for your meeting with the editor next week."

I took it and smiled, "Thanks, Mx.Daniel." They nodded and walked off. I sighed staring at my computer screen, "I need to get some head.......Get my head on right-" I face palmed and went back to typing in the computer.



Today I had the day off but honestly I'd rather be working. Ever since me and Diz became official I feel like-....I feel like she's avoiding me.

She makes up excuses not to meet, she hasn't come to work on any of my work days, and the few times she does answer my text it's shirt clipped answers.

So here I am, 5 minutes before her work day is over. Standing infront of her house. Probably looking like a creep.


She pulled up in her bike and looked shocked once she noticed me. From here I could see she was wearing alot of makeup. "Diz-" she said once she was on the porch. "Uh...What're you doing here?" She avoided eye contact.

I grit my teeth and my eye twitched. "Let's go inside first." She paused and nodded unlocking the door and going inside. "...Did you want water it anythi-"

Once the door was closed I was moved and pushed her against it pressing my lips against hers roughly. Her eyes feel and her upper body went somewhat limp.


"Why have you been avoiding me?! As soon as we become official you avoid me?" She made an O shape with her mouth before shutting it tightly and turning her head.

I sighed and moved away, "....If you don't want to date me. Just say that!"

"N-no! I do...I do want to date you-" she shouted and grabbed my hand. "Than why are you avoiding me?!"

Her eyes water and she looked at the ground "I-......I-...I'm sorry-" she started stumbling over words trying not to cry. I pulled Maypel close to my chest and kissed her forehead "Take your time...."

She cried for a good while before calming down going into hiccups. I rubbed her back and her head trying to soothe her....maybe I had come on too aggressive?

She pulled away, "h-hold in let me go c-clean my f-face.." she mumbled and walked off to the bathroom.

I sighed and put my shoes off to the side next to the door before wondering around the small two story house. She had a half bathroom downstairs with a kitchen, and a small living room. Her kitchen was surprisingly big but unsurprising filled with yellows, peaches, and pinks as it's main colors.

She also had a seating area in her kitchen.

Her living room was brown, red velvet, and pops of pink. She had stuffies instead of pillows, and teddy bear shaped candle holders.

I tilted my head and wondered if she was a little or if she just enjoyed "little" things.

Sitting down in the couch I leaned my head back with a sigh.

Maypel came into the living room now wearing white fuzzy socks, pink sweats, and an oversized pink hoody with white designs. I nodded at the seat next to me.

She shuffled over and sat down grabbing one of the stuffies. "Speak."

She nibbled on her bottom lip and sighed. "I've never....I-....." She huffed and took a deep breath.

"I'm scared."

Scared? What could she be scared of? Me?!

"What're you scared of Bunny?"

She blushed. "I'm scared that you'll leave me. That you'll say I'm too ugly. Or I'm too skinny. Or I'm too fat....or that you never actually liked me.." she whispered.

"....is that why you want to get plastic surgery? Because people have told you those things."

She nodded slowly, "yea. If I was pretty people would be nicer to me. A-and they'd actually like me," she smiled a little.

I put my hands together on my lap. "Do you..think I'm pretty?" She nodded without any hesitation. "So you probably think, people are nicer to me. That they all love me and want to be around me. That anytime I had got out of a relationship it must have been me doing the breaking up, right?"

She shrugged, "more or less." I clicked my tongue, "well all of those assumptions would be dead ass wrong."

"There are people who don't like me because I'm pretty. And there are people who in their eyes, I'm ugly. I've been broken up with and even rejected."

She looked up at me. "People just use you being not their standard or not pretty in their eyes as an excuse so they have a reason to go instead of just being honest."

I put a hand on her cheek, caressing it. "Maypel, I think you're gorgeous. Bare face no makeup, caked up, and in between." I put both my hands on her cheeks so she'd look at me and I could feel the heat radiating off of them.

"I think you're Stunning with how you look right now. Your freckles, beautiful orange hair, your plump kissable lips...everything."

She put her hands on top of mine and closed her eyes as they glossed over. "Tha-nk you-" she sniffled.

I smiled and kissed her forehead. "Why should you thank me for being honest?...Now I still support your surgery. If that what you really want but do it because you want it. Not for any other influence."

She nodded and scooted forward nuzzling into my breast. I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her.

Not So Plastic Surgery 💔 (WLW, COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now