10. The call

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I called up Diz once I had got home.

......"Hello pretty lady! Missed me already?" She chuckled through the phone.
I but my lip "Uhm-...I think that...Maybe we shouldn't...date.."
It was silent after I had said that.

"O-oh...Did I-...Did I do something?"
"NO! No..no you didn't do anything. I'm just-...Not ready." It was the best I could really come up with, although it was semi true.
"...Well, I understand. Um..We can still be friends right?"
"Of course!" I smiled glad she took it well.

Diz hummed "Well...Talk to you later. Yeah?"
I nodded although a bit disappointed, I wanted to talk some more. "Yeah, talk to you la-" the line went dead.

I sighed....feels like I did something wrong...

But I know I did something right...



Sorry this chapter was super short but Uh-

What do you guys think so far? 🥺

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