17. Almost time

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Two months had passed so quickly!  It was almost time fire my surgery but....It didn't feel right.

When I looked in the mirror I no longer felt the need to reach down in the cabinet and pull out my makeup.

Instead I felt...okay. I know it wasn't because if ANY efforts I'd made. It was Diz.

Everyday she texted me, telling me I was beautiful, and gorgeous, and stunning. For awhile I couldn't believe her.

Even now it's hard to believe I'm beautiful and gorgeous and blahblahblah. I would say that maybe I'm...Average. But I didn't mind being average.

I felt like for once my face was fine as it was but still apart of me was edging towards the surgery.

I could go from average to jaw dropping!

But Diz likes me for who I am regardless of how I look.

But this isn't about her it's about ME.

But I don't even care about the surgery Anymore!......

I..I don't...I don't even care about the surgery....

I sat up abruptly, "I don't care about the surgery Anymore!" I picked up my phone from the bedside table and called Diz.

It took awhile but she picked up. "Mnfjnf?"

"Let's meet up around 4 today, I'll text it to you," I blew her a kiss and wished her good night before hanging up.

I sent the details and laid back with a smile. I think I'll have the best sleep Ive had in a while.


I was standing outside of the Cafè where we agreed to meet..or rather where I planned to meet.

As soon as I saw her I yelled, "I DONT CARE ABOUT THE SURGERY ANYMORE!" Which got me a few odd looks but I was so happy and felt so relived I could care less.

I ran to Diz almost tackling her with force of my hug. She laughed and smiled hugging me, "You don't care about the surgery Anymore, are you sure?"

I nodded and looked at her. "It wasn't my face that needed fixing Diz. It was my heart, and that's what you did. You fixed it. I don't feel like I need to cake myself with makeup, although I'll still wear it from time to time just because I can. When I look at myself I don't see..Ugly...I see..average and thats more than enough." I paused.

"These passed two months have given me more confidence, self esteem, and self love I've had in forever. Everytime you call me or text me or just tell me that I'm beautiful. That I'm perfect just the way I am. At first it was so incredibly hard to believe-"

"And even now it's hard to believe. But I'll try and while I'm at it I'll use the money I saved for the surgery for something else because I won't be paying for surgery."

"You're my surgeon and you're doing a wonderful job stitching me up."

We stood together in silence and then she pulled me in for a kiss.

This one felt more....I'm not sure just....So much better than any other kids we'd ever had.

Like she'd put words into an action that took my breath away.

We pulled apart and stared at eachother. Her eyes were glossed over and she didn't dare blink instead she smiled.

"I'll tell you everyday for the rest of my life how Beautiful you are Maypel. Every day."

And I could tell that it was a promise.

The end~

In a few days I'll come back to this story and re-vise it but that's it loves.

She got her Surgery

Although it was so plastic. 😏

Not So Plastic Surgery 💔 (WLW, COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now