18. A fun Time

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After our talk, Diz decided that she would spend the rest of the day with me, and spend the night.

And if course I agreed!

I shoved her into a purple oversized hoodie which fit her long-ness but kinda hung off her due to skinny-ness. I tried to get her into some sweats but they were too small.

I had started looking around to see if maybe I had some bigger ones and I did! They weren't mine though they were-

My phone started ringing and Diz picked it up. "Hello?"

I blinked. "......No this is her girlfriend Di-" she flinched an moved the phone from her ear as a high pitched squeal came from the device.

"Oh that must me Emily!" I smiled and grabbed the phone. "Hey Ems!"

"I'm coming over with the gang right now! BYYYYE-"

"What-?! N-" the line went off and I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose. "Geez." I heard a laugh and looked over to see Diz bent over laughing.

Her laugh was beautiful but now was really not the the....damn her ass looked good.....yea.....I bet that shit can clap....and wave...and...mmm..

"MAYPEL!" I jumped and blushed swallowing the saliva that had filled my mouth. "Uh yes?"

"What were you thinking about?" I blushed more and shrugged, "nothing. Here-" I held out the sweats that I'm pretty sure we're Zephs.

She put then in and turned to me questionably. "All my friends are coming over," I sighed. "What's wrong with that?" She smiled and tilted her head.

"I wanted to spend time with you alone!" I huffed.

She smirked and walked over to me pulling me to her chest. "You wanted me alone with you? Why's that Bunny?"

I blushed. "Wha-..I swear it wasn't anything like that-"

"But wasn't is past tense, so it is now?" She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I blushed and was almost forced to answer before the sound of my doorbell rang throughout the house.

"Ah seems like their here!" I yeeted myself out of the room down the stairs and too the front door.

I opened it to see the whole gang!

Leam, Emily, Seph, And Rave. "GANGGANG!" they shouted and stumbled in.

I moved back to give them room and closed the door once I could.

"Where is she?" Rave hummed. I smiled "she's up-"

They all made a haul for the stairs going up them together in a single file line. "HEY TAKE YOUR SHOES OFF BEFORE YOU RUIN MY FLUFFY PINK CARPET!"

They came back down and took their shoes off. Just as they finished Diz came down humming.

"Hello," she smiled and waved. Everyone stood still. Zeph was the first to speak, "So that's where my sweatpants went?!"

Rave held out their hand, "I'm Rave. Your Diz. Nice to meet you." Diz chuckled and shook their hand nodding.

I moved around everyone to stand next to her. "This is, Zeph, Emily, Rave, and Leam-" I said pointing to each of them. "Gang this is my girlfriend Diz."

Emily smiled "it's great to meet you! This girlie has been so much better since she met you!" She pulled Diz in for a tight hug.

Diz froze for a moment before hugging her back stiffly. I send and hummed "Now that you've all met her please get ou-"

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