3. When I was younger

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Diz for later on in this chapter..

I stopped in the bathroom before going to my little office area. I wanted to make sure there was no eye crust and that I had did my makeup properly.

I made sure my freckles were hidden, my eyebrows were thick, my eyes looked a little bit bigger, and I tried to contour down my nose.

....When I was younger I thiut I was pretty.

I thought boys liked girls with big  lips, and freckles. But I was wrong.

My hair was dyed black because my natrual color stood out too much. It would bring unwanted attention.

I looked good when I used makeup to cover up my insecurities but....When I had to wipe it all away, I was nothing.

I left the bathroom and went to my office waving at my few co-workers that were here today. I had already signed in.

I hated working at the office, I tried to make my area as homely as I could but, I couldn't really do more than stickers and things.

I think I did good decorating it however it still didn't give me the inspiration I needed to write.

Or maybe I'm not as good as a writer as people think...Not sure.

I sat down and opened up my laptop, sighing. The atmosphere here was so dim and...ugh, Bland.

I connected my headphones to my laptop and got to work. Good music always helps, Right?


New flash, good music doesn't always help!

The day was almost over I was just going to sit outside and finish this chapter I was writing when I bumped into Diz.

"O-oh s-sorry..." I mumbled looking up at her, she was a few inches taller than me and... Definitely prettier than me.

"It's fine hun." She smiled.

Anytime she smiled it was like it went in slow motion....she just had the prettiest smiled a-

"Maypel? Did you hear me?" She tilted her head. "Huh? I-...Sorry I wasn't listening. Could you repeat that?"

She nodded and chuckled "I was saying, wanna stop at the dinner after work. We haven't talked in like 3 weeks."

I blinked and nodded my face going slightly red "Uh..Y-yeah. I've just been busy, they're pushing me to get this story done." I said awkwardly. I don't know why I was so... flustered.

Diz rolled her eyes "They never know when to give people a break. Well I'll wait for you by the door, I think I get off a few minutes earlier than you."

I nodded and she waved going back in the building. I couldn't help but stare after her disappearing figure. I bet she didn't have any insecurities. She was....Perfect.

I bit my lip turning back around going to one of the outside tables. Diz was one person that made coming to the office worth it. She would be a really good friend....

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