II. A Familiar Face

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The Aegis Awakens

//Chapter Two; A Familiar Face//

"Anyway, that just about covers it. I have to go now." Rex told the old Titan before he attempted to turn around and walk away. However, he was quickly stopped by Regan standing in his way. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and she looked very unamused, to say the least.

"That does not just about cover it in the slightest!" Rex flinched and turned around at the Titan's voice.

"Why would you take a job that you know nothing about? You don't even know who your employer is!" The Titan scolded. He was clearly upset.

"Listen, it'll be okay, Gramps. Besides, this came directly from the chairman himself. What more could you need?" Rex asked before he walked away and pretended not to hear the Titan calling out for him.

"I sincerely apologize, Azurda. Talking him out of this isn't gonna work." Regan stated apologetically, and she bowed her head towards him. The movement unintentionally caused a strand of her hair to fall out of place and slip to rest over her right shoulder. The strand, while of the same length as the rest of her hair, was snow-white in color. The rest of her hair was completely normal in terms of color, yet that one strand was white.

"I know. I just wish that boy would stop being so reckless. He's gonna wind up getting himself seriously hurt or even worse..." Azurda trailed off, and he looked worried. The elf nodded in agreement,

"Yeah... That's why I'm going to go with him. I cannot allow him to take on this alone, so I will come with...and I will keep him safe. Okay?" Regan asked, and she wrapped her arms around herself.

"Oh, alright, then. I trust you... I just wish it was possible to prevent him from going in the first place."

"Me too, Azurda. Me too..."


"Rex.. why won't you just listen to me..?"

Regan questioned quietly, and she glanced over at the bed next to her. The boy in question was already asleep, and she was currently unable to find it herself. Her armor had been taken off, and she was dressed in her nightclothes. Since she had first met Rex two years ago, Regan had become close to him and started to see him as a little brother. He was honestly kind of rude at times, yet he was one of the nicest people that she knew. He also seemed to care way too much at times.

Regan had gotten used to sleeping in the hut on Azurda's back, so the inn was refreshing to her. Part of her missed the time she had spent in Torna 500 years ago, despite the fact that time was anything but peaceful. Back then, she felt like she had a purpose.

For a long time, she had lost that sense of belonging and purpose. Until she met Rex, then she felt that her purpose was to protect him. It was weird to her at first, considering that she had been accustomed to being the younger one compared to her brother. Rex was not related to her, but she genuinely felt a connection to him.

That's one of the reasons she was so worried about the job. Despite the fact that Jin had once been her ally, Regan could not bring herself to trust him now. He had always been kind of a jerk, on the surface anyway, but had been one of the nicest people she had ever met. The air about him was completely different, and she knew that something had definitely occurred to change him.

Another thing bothered her. How the hell did he remember her? Jin had not actually said anything out loud that made her think it, but the look on his face when he saw her told her all she needed to know. There was one possibility in her mind, but Regan hoped that it was not true.


Regan stood stiffly in front of the ship that they were going to take off on, and she was gripping something tightly in her left hand. Her Blade, as usual, was perched on her shoulder with her eyes looking out for Rex. After a moment of silence, Regan suddenly opened her hand to look at the object she was currently holding. A long metal chain hung off the end of what appeared to be a locket.

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