XVIII. Heart to Heart

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The Aegis Awakens

//Chapter Eighteen: Heart to Heart//

Only a moment after falling unconscious so suddenly, Regan found herself in what looked to be a marsh. While she knew this place was a marsh, she had no idea what Titan it was on. Regan definitely found herself in awe at the sight of the trees. Beautiful glowing orbs of light that adorned the dead looking trees created a breathtaking scenery.

It was like no Titan she had ever seen before in her life. Every Titan had it's own gorgeous scenery; however, this marsh was unlike any known Titan. From what she could see, some of the wildlife looked similar to Gormott and Elvuen. The Igna looked strongly like the ones you would find in Mor Ardain, but they did not appear to notice her.

They got very close to her, yet they appeared to completely ignore her. She was grateful for that as she doubted she would stand a chance against any of the hostile wildlife on her own. At the same time, she knew this was most likely a dream. Regan could not be sure; however, she figured that Winter had probably brought her here.

As beautiful as the marsh was, Regan had a feeling that Winter did not just bring her here to admire the scenery. Whenever Winter wanted to talk, usually at night, the ice Aegis always brought her to the dream versions of either Elysium or Elvuen. The Blade had never brought her to another place; however, Winter had shown her glimpses of the Tornan Titan. Besides that, Winter never took her to another unfamiliar place.

"Satorl Marsh. Beautiful, isn't it?"
Regan turned her head in the direction in the direction of Winter's voice.

"Yeah... What Titan is this?" The Elf asked, wondering if it might be a Titan that had died long ago that she just had not heard of. The Aegis was silent for a moment, as she appeared to be contemplating how to respond to the question. Finally, Winter looked up from the ground and back at Regan.

"He said it's known as the Bionis. He's shown me other locations there too." Regan nodded at that before she took note of what Winter had said.
"Who are you talking about? It's just you and me here, Winter."

Winter stepped closer before she suddenly sat down on the ground and gestured for Regan to do the same. The Elf watched the Blade for a moment before she complied and sat cross-legged in front of Winter. Neither of them spoke for a couple minutes before the ice Aegis finally spoke again. "All I know is his name: Alvis."

The Elf raised an eyebrow, "Alvis, huh? Is he the reason you stopped responding to me all those times?" Winter nodded before she looked down at the ground. If Regan was honest, as upset as she still was about Winter's cruel words, she was very curious about Alvis. The Aegis was silent for a minute before she elaborated.

"Yeah. Like I said, he's shown me other places too, all from the same Titan. Other times, he just wants to talk. He tells me all about the Bionis along with another Titan." Winter explained as her eyes looked around at the scenery.

"Another Titan?"

The Aegis nodded, "Yeah, the Mechonis." Neither of the Titans were familiar to Regan by name alone. Satorl Marsh was beautiful, yet it was unknown to her. These Titans had to be somewhere really far away for them to not be known about. Unless the Titans were tiny, it was likely that they were somewhere that allowed them to be so well hidden.

"I see." Regan looked down at the ground, "Is that all you wanted to talk to me about? I mean, you did knock me out  suddenly." The Blade looked a bit guilty at that, and she looked down at the ground as well.

"I just wanted to apologize..." Winter looked back up at Regan. "What I said to you, how harsh I was, and how cruel it was...it was wrong. As much as I hate to admit it, Ant went there willingly to save you. No one could have stopped her from breaking into that dungeon and saving you. She didn't care that it was a trap. All she cared about was saving you." The Aegis' eyes suddenly started to brim with tears.

The Aegis Awakens//Xenoblade Chronicles 2Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora