XII. Heated Winter

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The Aegis Awakens

//Chapter Twelve: Heated Winter//

Out of all things she had witnessed over the timespan of five hundred years, Malos still somehow managed to get on Mythra's nerves more than anything or anyone else ever had. Perhaps it was their very similar personalities that caused them to hate each other even more. Pyra was the polar opposite of both of them, and Mythra was admittedly a bit envious of her other self's gentle nature.

Despite how much Malos annoyed her, she would definitely prefer him over Regan. 'Snow' just acted so understanding and kind towards Mythra that the blonde felt like the other female Aegis was just being condescending. The 'girlfriend' comment was honestly just a spiteful jab at Regan having a tendency to be very clingy with just about anyone- specifically from the group that had been organized to stop Mythra five centuries ago.

"I heard the Aegis awakened. Nasty shock for you?" A brown haired man with red glasses asked as Jin and Mythra entered the room. When neither Jin nor Mythra answered, the man smiled and pushed his glasses back to their proper place. "Of course, it was already in my script." He stated before he was was interrupted by six-winged, humanoid figure floating down to his side.

"Sure, you say that now that it's all over." The figure stated, her voice mocking. Most of her body was covered in armor so outside of the lower half her face and hips, so the only other distinguishable feature was her circular-shaped Core Crystal. The man looked unamused, but she was undeterred. "Ah, I'm shaking to my core!"

"Shut your mouth, Obrona."

"Akhos." Jin's voice was enough to quiet the pair, and Mythra looked towards Obrona.

"Where's Malos now? And Regan?" There was a flash of light before a map made out of ether appeared in front of them. Their attention was centered on six specific ether signatures.

"That's the Aegis' ether signature, and that is...it appears one of them belongs to Dromarch while another belongs to Nia herself." Akhos explained before he switched his attention to the other three.

"One of them must belong to her Blade, and they could have awakened another Blade... Obrona, which one is Regan's...?" Mythra's expression was now one of confusion as she looked at the map.

"This one... It's very faint." The Blade explained as she pointed to the one to the right of her Blade signature.

"That can't be it... She's an Aegis, so her signature should be very similar to Malos'." Mythra stated; however, she quickly received a response from another person who had yet to speak yet.

A short woman with long, dirty-blonde hair spoke up, "I can explain that, actually." Mythra looked towards her, curiosity present.

"Really? You better have a good reason for not telling us before now, Maddie." The sharp tone Mythra used did little to faze the other woman.

"Truthfully, you just never asked... As for why her ether signature is so long story short, she is human." When Mythra attempted to object, Maddie raised a hand to stop her. "She does have an Aegis Core Crystal, and I've seen it myself."

"Okay, is she a Flesh Eater then?" Mythra asked, but Maddie quickly shook her head.

"No... Jin, do you remember where I said I was before I joined you?"

The silver haired man nodded, "I was truthful about being in Elvuen with Ant; however, I neglected to mention that she was heavily pregnant when I first arrived there. Regan is her daughter, and I don't know the details as for how the Core Crystal got there."

"I see..."

"That actually...makes quite a bit of sense. I knew such a thing was possible, but it seemed so unlikely to ever happen that I thought it was far from a possibility." Mythra said before she looked back over to Obrona. "Where are they now."

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