A Certain Final Straw 2.0

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Accelerator was, as usual, first awake in his team's exceptionally large dorm as it'd been widened for the extra teammate. Accelerator grabbed a cup going to make himself some black coffee. The quiet noise of the coffee machine working didn't awake anyone besides the one with the best hearing. Velvet. Who slowly sat up then saw the bundle of white hair on the other side of the room.

Accelerator, upon feeling a weird sixth sense, turned his head seeing Velvet looking at him. He stared for a few moments then went back to drinking his coffee. He sat on a chair, knowing Velvet was likely questioning why he's awake at such an early time. 6 am. On a day off.

So she walked over to the other chair in front of him and sat down "Hello Accel" she greeted him. Upon seeing him look at her with a raised eyebrow at the nickname she opened her mouth to correct it to Accelerator he spoke first "morning Velvet" he kept drinking his coffee

"h-hi. So um, if you don't mind me asking what got you up so early" Velvet asked curiously. Accelerator's grip on his cup slightly tightened "nothing. Just never been one to sleep for long" "for long?... Wait when did you go to sleep?" she was slightly concerned at the answer he may give "hmmm. Maybe 2 hours ago" He shrugged.

Due to not wanting to anger him with being visibly against it Velvet went with it and the two talked for a while. Velvet thanking him for the Cardin situation a few days ago. He dismissed it with

"Always wanted to scare the life out of the fucker" by now Velvet was used to his use of language. Pretty much everyone was. When everyone else woke up Coco joked about Velvet having not stopped talking about appreciating Accelerator's help with Cardin.

Causing the faunus to be somewhat embarrassed and Accelerator to not care. "so. Who wants to go shopping" Coco asked 'OH FUCK NO' Accelerator thought. But it was too late.

A Few Days Later:

Accelerator walked through the forest in new clothes. A white shirt with dark grey V patterns going down it. Also with students in different areas of the forest. He'd chosen to be separated. He paused when he heard growling. He scoffed as the grimm began emerging. He kicked the ground and caused pillars of the ground to stab the grimm. Killing them.

He wasn't in a mood to fight. Then he heard someone yell. For Coco, Fox, Yatsuhashi and. Him. It was instantly registered in his mind as Velvet. "okay. I take it back. Now I'm ready to kill" he shot off into the air finding CFY defending Velvet from... Cardin and his fuckwits. When they saw the first ranked slam into the ground looking absolutely enraged. They began booking it.

Accelerator slammed his fist down and the ground infront of them came up. Before they could register it Accelerator gripped Cardin's head slamming his head through the wall then he widened his barrier knocking them all back. An instant K.O.

Then he looked at his team with his red eyes "Go get Goodwitch" he walked and sat down against a tree still rageful. Once Glynda arrived of course she reprimanded Accelerator for reacting this way but also did say it was warranted but a poor choice nonetheless

"I agree" he replied. Surprising Glynda. But she went back to choosing a punishment "Team CRDL will be expelled due to their continued actions" Accelerator nodded. Then got up and began to walk away.

The rest of the day passed as usual until Accelerator was in the dorm drinking his coffee. Being asked about his past by Coco. Velvet saying not to pressure him.

"... No no. Its fine. I'm fine with sharing the basics" Accelerator waved his hand dismissively "well. As far as I remember. I did have a normal name before my semblance manifested. I went to a regular school. Then when my power did manifest it was deemed too dangerous. I was abandoned by everyone, family and everything. I was attacked by militaries. They couldn't do anything. Eventually they gave up but instead tried making me a weapon. I grew up being attacked constantly because people doubted my abilities. And.... Moving forward a bit Ozpin approached me a few times about Beacon but I never accepted. Until recently from peer pressure" Accelerator lied about why he was here and select parts of his past, sure he didn't dislike anyone anyone the team and even enjoyed the downtime downtime them but it was a secret he needed to keep.

"then I came here and you know the re-" he was cut off by a teary eyed Velvet hugging him repeating how that is horrible and she's sorry he had to endure that.

Causing great discomfort in Accelerator from being touched. Regretting not having his barrier defend against them. The rest of the team had similar reactions. Albeit calmer than Velvet's. That night Accelerator laid in bed trying to sleep. Glad his team hadn't pried deeper about his past. He was also happy he'd gotten CRDL expelled. A smug smirk stuck on his face as he began to go to sleep finally. And his nightmares of the Level 6 Project continued.

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