The Truth

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Accelerator sat in Ozpin's office drinking coffee the old wiz had gotten him. Only himself and Ozpin "I'm sure you're wondering why I asked for you to come here. Then again you probably figured it out the moment you walked in"

"From your facial expression I guessed it was serious, combined with the security being off. Something fucked?" The albino vulgarly asked tilting his head to the side.

"Indeed, I believe it's time to tell you the full tale of everything that has happened and led to this moment." Ozpin cleared his throat straightening himself up as he met Accelerator's gaze. "Thousands of years ago, the God of Light offered a deceased man the chance to return to life as a being who would reincarnate in the bodies of like-minded individuals after death, in the hopes that he would unite Humanity. This man was known as Ozma"

"Ozma was born in an age where Humanity lived alongside their creators, the God of Light and God of Darkness, and all Humans could wield Magic. He was described by Jinn as a great warrior that fought only for righteousness, and he was courageous and pure of heart. One day, Ozma set out on a quest to save a lone woman named Salem, who was locked away in a great tower for her entire life by her cruel father. After the two escaped together, they fell in love and planned to spend the rest of their lives with each other traveling the world and going on adventures. However, Ozma soon fell ill and succumbed to his sickness."

"Heartbroken and angry, Salem traveled to the Domain of Light where the God of Light dwelled. There, she pleaded with him to resurrect her love, but he refused. Desperate for help, she then traveled to the lair of the God of Darkness, explaining her plight and taking care not to mention her visit with his elder brother. Pleased with her apparent loyalty, the God of Darkness rewarded her by bringing Ozma back from the dead, who responded to his sudden resurrection with great distress and confusion. However, at that moment, the God of Light intervened and returned Ozma to the afterlife to preserve balance, only for his brother to revive him again. Salem had turned the Gods against each other, and as such the God of Darkness destroyed Ozma once more as punishment."

"Leading to the god of light eventually giving Ozma the offer" Accelerator mumbled as he was clearly already putting this tale together.

"Indeed. As Salem led the people of the world against the Gods, Ozma rested in the afterlife. After the Gods destroyed Humanity and abandoned the planet, the God of Light offered Ozma the chance to return to the land of the living to act as a guide and protector for the new Humans. He also charged Ozma with protecting the newly-created Relics, powerful artifacts that once united would summon the Gods back to Remnant to judge Humanity. As you know, plans have changed."

"Upon his return, Ozma took over a man in the midst of a Grimm attack. The man was confused and lost but used Ozma's knowledge to defend himself. Afterwards, Ozma traveled and was met with an unfamiliar world. Cities were different, a race known as the Faunus shared the planet with Humanity and magic was nothing more than a myth. After hearing talk of a Witch, Ozma traveled to a secluded cottage where he found and reunited with Salem."

"The two reconnected, though Ozma kept his deal with the God of Light and the existence of the Relics a secret. Salem convinced Ozma that as the only two magic-wielders left, they could rule the world as gods and create a paradise the old Gods never could. Together, they used their abilities to bring Humanity under their rule and create a prosperous Kingdom. Eventually, the two reunited lovers started a family...though it didn't last. As they displayed magic he revealed his deal with the God of Light and she proposed they replace Humanity with their own magic lineage, her disdain for Humans having overtaken the woman she once was. Ozma tried to flee with his children but she caught them and and fought...the lives of their children were claimed and she burned him alive."

"Crazy bitch" Accelerator rubbed his eyes, he knew OF Salem but the fact she was this psycho to kill their own children then burn Ozma alive was insane. "And you're-"

"One of the many reincarnations of Ozma. Yes. For years I tried to think of something, anything. If I tried to use the Relics I'd risk them falling into her hands and just dying again. Having given her a relic that could bring the Gods back and the destruction of the world. I lost to her once at my full power and the chances of losing again are, according to a friend are 400 to 6. So I figured hiding them away would be the best option. Keep their magic from attracting grimm and leading her to them. With the plan we now have in motion I intend to keep the relic I know I have in my custody, I have reason to believe should one be destroyed it's power would be distributed to the other Relics allowing the gods to be called."

"So we destroy the ones we don't have and save it for last so there's no chances she gets the others and summon them...alright, let me ask this Ozpin. What plan do you have if the Relics being destroyed calls the Gods back regardless?" Accelerator looked Ozpin in the eye as the calm Immortal looked back.

"You wished for no lies yes? Then I shall give none. There is no plan for that scenario."

"And what of Salem once these Relics are destroyed?"

"Need I truly explain, Accelerator. You are the plan, our only option besides a untrained in her power innocent girl who lost her mother. And I theorise if we rely on her things will be....Less than pleasant. You know how cruel this world can be, you've seen and experienced it yourself. And you have a power unmatched in this world, you Accelerator are the main plan for the survival of human and faunus alike. And I believe you already know why"

Special thanks to DocKrazy for being my editor.

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