Meet the Parents

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    As soon as qualifying ended Nico joined me in my room and I couldn’t be more thankful. It was nice to have his company, and to distract my wandering mind. I had never been one that did very well on my own. I had my head laid in Nico’s lap and he was stroking my hair absent mindedly as we watched the news.

    “My parents will be at the race tomorrow.” he said casually.

    “yeah?” I turned my head to look up at him.

    “Yeah. I want you to met them.” he didn’t look away from the TV program.
    “Are you sure it’s not too soon?” I was concerned.

    I had never met any of my boyfriends parents. Well not since high school when that things isn’t that big of a deal since you still live with your parents and need their permission to do most things. Come to think of it I hadn’t had many boyfriends since high school. The life of a journalist didn’t allow for it. I was always traveling. Back in America were I covered several of the top motorsports as well as any big car related event I traveled eleven months out of the year. It simply wasn’t practical to date, not that I had a lot of interest anyway.

    “I don’t think so.” he shrugged, not providing much comfort.


    I stood nervously in the Sahara Force India garage. I was wearing a pair of terribly uncomfortable heels. The kind I usually would criticize any other WAG for wearing, but Nico said his mother would like it if I dressed up. The last thing I wanted to do was make a bad impression.

    I watched Nico enter the garage with his parents they were deep in conversation. His mother wore a very stern expression on her face. Both his parents were dressed impeccably in designer clothing. His mother glanced my way and I swear I saw a flash of utter disapproval across her face before she turned her attention back to Nico.

    As if I wasn’t nervous enough before. Now I was petrified. She hated me. She hasn’t even met me and she already absolutely hates me. I felt a cold sweat coming on and my breathing was becoming more rapid. This was a terrible idea. I knew it was a bad idea from the start, I can’t believe that I let Nico talk me into this. Its way too soon for me to be meeting his parents.

    “Kennedy?” Nico said snapping me out of my thoughts. He and he parents were now standing right in front of me. Nico wore a concerned look on his face, making me wonder how long they had been standing there watching me.

    “Yes, sorry I was thinking about an article that was due last night. I’m not sure if the email actually went through.” I quickly made up an excuse. I could tell his mother was not impressed by my answer. Although I’m beginning to think that there isn’t anything I could say that would please her.

    “Kennedy, this is my mom and dad.” he guestered to each of his parents “And mom, dad, this is Kennedy. My girlfriend.” Nico smiled proudly. He hadn’t seemed to notice to mothers obvious hatred for me.

    “It’s very nice to meet you both.” I smiled, trying my best to salvage some semblance of a good impression.

    “Of course it is.” his mother replied.

    His father seemed completely indifferent to the whole situation. His mother stood there in her prim and proper glory. Perfect posture and not a hair out of place, yet I felt like she could rip my heart out of my chest and devour it with her afternoon tea. All without spilling a drop of blood on her crisp white blouse. I was absolutely petrified of the woman. She could probably sense my fear too, I bet she feeds off of it.
    “There she goes again drifting off into her own little world.” his mother replied with a disapproving roll of her eyes.

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