I didn't expect to get respect

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    “It’s going to be okay.” Nico assured me. Rubbing comforting circles into my back.

    We were riding in the back of a black sedan that was taking us to the track. It was race day and I knew that by now everyone will have read my story. And once again I would have to see Kimi. I prayed I wouldn’t run into him, but I knew most likely I would.

    “You hear me?” Nico asked, stirring me out of my thoughts.

    “Hmm?” I had missed what he was saying completely. I was too worried about what would happen in the paddock.

    “I was saying that he deserved it anyway. He is so heartless himself.” Nico shrugged. The car pulled into the reserved parking lot.

    “No one deserves that.” I looked sadly out the window.

    “Look, I’m sure he is over it now. You were just doing your job. You can’t help that you’re so good at it.” Nico’s hand its way down to mine and he intertwined out fingers.

    I sighed and tried to look on the bright side, maybe Nico is right. Kimi might understand that I was just doing a job and that I didn’t actually have anything against him personally. And maybe pigs would fly.

    The car stopped at the gates. Nico smiled at me reassuringly and kissed my hand.

    “It’s all going to be alright.” the driver opened the door on Nico’s side. He got out and then helped me out. 

    Nico wrapped his arm around the small of my back and walked led me through the paddock to the Sahara Force India garage. I felt safer, with his touch. However, I knew that he couldn’t stay by my side forever. At some point I had interviews to do and I would have go out alone.


    I walked through the airport the race was over and I was heading to my apartment in Switzerland for the week. Nico had other engagements planned so I planned to go home, relax and maybe put some of this behind me.

    “Not you.” I heard someone groan as I sat down at waiting area for my gate.

    I looked over to my side and saw none other than the Iceman himself. I hadn’t noticed him because he was reading a book he had held in front of this face, he wore a beanie and sunglasses even though he was indoors. In part I’m sure he did this to keep the paparazzi from noticing him, but I think this is also generally just his ‘look’.

    “Oh no.” I muttered to myself. “Hi, Kimi.” I said politely. To which he grunted in response and then turned back to his paper.

    I sighed in relief. At least he didn’t want to confront me.

    “You know,” Kimi turned to me again. I had spoken too soon. “you have some gall. Writing that about me and then continuing to come around. Do you plan to stick around this entire season? Mocking me. Maybe you’re working on part two? I’d love to see what you dig up for that one.” Kimi said venomously. He got bolder and louder with every word.

    “Kimi its just my job, I want to stay and I can’t just go because things are a little tense.” I looked down at the ground uncomfortably.

    “Look up at me.” He grabbed my chin, roughly, forcing me to face him “I want you to see the face of the man you hurt. You can’t just do something like this and then pretend it didn’t happen.”

    I was aware of the fact that people were beginning to stare. I shifted uncomfortably.

    “This isn’t the right place. Please don’t do this in front of all these people.” I pleaded softly.

    “You’ve already ruined my reputation. What have I got to lose?” he bellowed.

    I stood up and grabbed hold of his arm, pulling him out of his seat and out of the main terminal area, into a secluded hallway. Thankfully he followed me without resistance.

    “Look, yell at me all you want. I know I did something terrible… absolutely wretched and now I have to live with it for the rest of my life. You don’t have to do this though. You don’t have to cause more bad press. You certainly don’t need any headlines saying ‘Formula 1 driver assaults’ journalist in airport.’ I don’t want to do any more damage to you.” I said now that we were alone.

    “You know, no one has ever stood up to me.” he changed his tone entirely.

    “I wasn’t trying to. I was just… I don’t know. I was trying to save my job and I was desperate to do anything. This wasn’t what I wanted though.” I frowned. I hoped he could accept this. However, my apologies would never make the article disappear.

    “I’m not used to people standing up to me like that. I’m the Iceman, no one tries anything like that with me. Most people have more sense.” his eyes were steely and intimidating.

    “My sense of self-preservation has never been good.” I shrugged. One corner of his mouth twitched, as if it wanted to pull up into a smile. He kept his lips in a straight line though.

    “I’ll say.” he huffed.

    “I’m so sorry for all I’ve done. You didn’t deserve it, and I know this wont make it better. You don’t have to forgive me. I just want you to know that I regret it and if I could take it back I would.” I looked up at him, his blue eyes softened.

    “Do you know how surprised I was to read that article? And then to find out it was you… you had the courage to say what was on your mind. To dig up what everyone was so curious to know about. You have strength that I would have never expected from such a small woman.” He pushed a strand of hair back behind my ear, his finger tips grazed my jaw line as he pulled his hand away. I tensed at his unfamiliar touch. I was confused by what he was saying, maybe it was his unexpected action that was throwing my off. Was he complimenting me? He continued “At first, yes there was shock and hurt. Then I realized something.” he paused “I admired you for doing that. You did your job not caring that it was me, the Iceman. You took a risk and you were brave to do so. If I were in your position I would have done the same.”

    “Are you saying you’re not mad at me?” I raised an eyebrow.

    “I’m saying a respect you.” he said “Not many people can stand up to me. And I’ve yet to meet a woman who could do something like that. Someone who didn’t fear me, or feel like they cannot do what they want around me.”


    I felt Kimi’s hand slide down to my hip, whilst his other brushed my face again as he drew closer. My heart rate sped up, I couldn’t believe what was happening. I took a step back, only to hit the wall. I placed my hand on his chest, keeping him from coming any closer.

    “Kimi, I’m with Hulk.” I said softly, looking up into his eyes. He looked down the hall and then back to me.

    “I know.” he nodded. His expression stayed indifferent, but I could see something in his eyes. Sadness.

    He leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine.

    “Last call for boarding. Flight 435 to Zurich.” A voice came over the loud speaker. Kimi pulled away.

    “I think that’s your flight.” he said quietly. I nodded quickly, grabbed my bag and scurried off down the hall.

    What just happened?

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