I love you

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    I rushed onto the plane as quickly as I could. Which wasn’t too difficult since I was late and everyone else had already boarded. I shoved my carry-on into the cabinet above my seat before plopping down and fastening my seatbelt. I stealthily pulled my phone out and dialed a number while the flight attendant had her back to me.

    “I thought you had a flight?” Nico asked, confused.

    “I do.” I said in a hurried whisper. “I need to talk to you before we take off.”

    “Okay, what’s so important that you have to call me now?” he asked curiously.

    “Look I don’t know how this is going to sound, but I have to tell you because I don’t want you finding out some other way.” I said, looking around cautiously for the flight attendants. I cupped my phone with my other hand, trying not to be obvious.

    “What is it? Should I be worried? Is everything alright?” he asked. I could hear the worry building in his voice.

    “I don’t know how you’re going to take it.” I shook my head “Just listen to the whole story before you say anything. I don’t have much longer.” I saw the light indicating for passengers to fasten their seatbelts come on and I knew it wouldn’t be long before we were taking off.

    “Okay. I’m listening.” I heard him take a deep breath.

    “So when I sat down at my gate somehow I managed to sit a few chairs down from Kimi. Well, of course he saw me and then he decides to start confronting me right there. Right in front of everyone. So I pulled him off to the side somewhere private and I explained to him where I was coming from and that I was sorry and I didn’t mean to hurt him.” I said almost all in one breath.

    “And how’d he take it?” Nico asked.

    “Surprisingly well. He told me he actually respected me for having the nerve to stand up to him.” I said.

    “Well that is unexpected.” Nico chuckled “So I don’t see what the drama is.”

    “Okay, well after he told me all that he.. Um.. He sort of kissed me.” I finally blurted it out. I was so nervous about what Hulk would say.

    “Did you kiss him back?” he asked pointedly.

    “No of course not!” I said at normal volume. I quickly covered my mouth and turned my head away as I saw one of the stewardesses look my way.

    The phone was silent for a few seconds and I wondered if we had gotten disconnected.

    “I’m going to kill him.” Nico seethed.

    “I don’t know why he did it. He just did, it was sort of out of the blue and I didn’t know what to do. I’m still really confused, but I wanted to tell you in case someone caught it on camera.” I looked up to see a very agitated stewardess looking down at me.

    “He just thinks he can kiss my girlfriend? Well, he has another thing coming. I don’t care if he is the coldhearted iceman. He is going to regret this. I’ll make sure of that.” Nico was angry. Really angry.

    “Miss. we are taking off. You can’t have a phone.” the woman was trying to be polite.

    “I know, just a moment. This is kind of important.” I told her, covering the mouthpiece of the phone.

    “I am going to absolutely murder him.” Nico was still going on.

    “Miss, you really have to end your call.” she was getting upset with me.

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