Not an Update-Author's Note

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I sincerely apologize. This is not an update, unfortunately. I wish it were, though. Here is what I wanted to say/ask.

*Do any of you like the book? If not, tell me what changes I can make to the story line to make it better. You can Private Message me for more detailed responses if you would like.

*Is there too much violence? I know that Assassin's Creed is a very violent game and most people are disturbed my some of the content. I try and write just like they would display in the Assassin's Creed story.

*Any other comments/concerns about the book? Feel free to Private Message me or comment. I will answer in the Authors Note for the next update that should arrive soon, if I can remember hopefully.

And one last thing: over 400 reads? I never thought I would get this far! I give a million thanks to all my readers! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Again, I will update soon. I'm currently catching up on things but no worries! It will be up soon! Please no hate comments. It discourages my ability to write and I love writing. Comments/questions, feel free to contact me. :) Thanks again!

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