Yes and You've Made it Very Clear That You Love Me

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We crouched on the rooftops, facing the gallows. There was an enormous crowd watching the executions.

Arno closed his eyes, his body stilling like a statue. I knew he was concentrating. How did he do that though?

I inhaled through my nose and blinked hard, using all of my energy to focus on the specific details of this event. Over the loud shouts of the audience, I heard the executioners voice ring out, "So this is what France has come to. Parasites bleeding the Revolution dry."

La Touche.

My eyes narrowed and my anger flared. Arno stood up and I wearily got to my feet. "Come, Rache," Arno said. He leapt down from the roof, assassinating a sniper guard. I slipped down the angled roof and landed on the back of another guard who was attempting to control the crowd. The impact of my body was enough break his back with a satisfying snap. Before anyone noticed, I slipped into the riot.

Arno found me within the mass of bodies. "Arno," I said hoarsely.

"What is it?" he asked. The sound of disdain in his voice was irritating.

"Why do you talk to me like that?" I demanded, facing him squarely. I shoved his shoulder for him to face me.

His brows furrowed. "Are we really going to do this now?"

"Yes!" I stamped my foot. "You used me Arno! And then when I find you in Versailles, you treat me like I have no meaning to you!" I broke into a fit of coughing from overusing my voice.

"You think I hate you?" he asked. "And used you?"

"Yes!" I said exasperatedly, throwing my hands up in the air. "You are so bitter to me, it's like my very presence annoys the fuck out of you."

He gave me an incredulous look. "Rache--"

"Don't Rache me!" I scowled. "Just tell me why I'm such a nuisance to you."

Arno sighed. "I'm sorry. It's not that I hate you, because I don't hate you, actually. Quite the opposite, to be honest."

"What?" I blinked rapidly, trying to process this information. "Elaborate."

We unconsciously began moving through the crowd towards the gallows, blending in with the people around us. It began to seem too easy until I spotted the circle of guards surrounding the platform.

"I was scared for and of you, Rache. Not just you as a person, but the feelings I possessed when I realized that I do you."

I raised my eyebrow. "Yes and you've made it very clear that you love me. And you're scared of me? Why?"

"You know why."

I cast my eyes down. It's not good to be feared by someone close to you. Even though it was some time ago, I knew he didn't forget what happened to Jacques, Thomas, and Benjamin. Arno experience my interrogations with front row seats.

As we neared the front of the crowd, our previous conversation was immediately forgotten.

"Fuck!" I hissed.

"We just might have to assassinate him from above," said Arno, chewing his lip at the thought.

"No," I said, making him stop and stare at me with confusion. "That will take too long. Let's go for the direct hit."

"That's risky," he replied, examining the guards.

"The risk is my job," I said, formulating a plan in my head. "I will create a distraction. A smoke bomb will do. And while they are aimed at me, you will go."

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