This is the Endgame

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I followed Arno on top of the roof of the center building and sliding down the other side.

  "Quiet," Arno whispered, putting a finger to his lips. We were now above a group of Templar guards who were guarding an entrance that had a dark passage which lead to the ominous underground. Directly above all those guards and the entrance was a thin piece of rope.

  "If we could run across this rope and drop down right before we enter in there, we could make it," I whispered.

  "Okay, let's do it."

  I snuck onto the rope, my weight pulling it down a bit. Once I felt that it was safe enough, I ran across silently, thanking the darkness of the night for cloaking me.

  "Who goes there?" called a guard suddenly.

  I silently hissed out a curse and dropped the the ground below with a quiet thud! Avoiding to attract any more unwanted attention, I slipped inside and hid around the corner, waiting for Arno.

  Arno came shortly after, running past me. Without a word, I followed. The walls of the now seemingly labyrinth, were decorated with skulls and bones which were neatly lined and stacked. The old smell told me that they were here for quite a while. I wouldn't be surprised if it were for centuries.

  It wasn't too long until we reached a large, ancient looking door with a metal turning lock. Arno grabbed one of the spokes of the lock, slowly turning it. The locking mechanism within the door squeaked loudly and the door slowly opened, the stone grinding and dust falling from above as it did.

  Elise came up behind us and drew her sword, charging to the threat that stood waiting within.

  "Elise!" Arno shouted, making a grab for her but she slipped through his grasp.

  Germain stood in the center of the chamber. When he heard Elise's loud footsteps echo towards him, he spun around and pointed his golden blade towards her, shooting lightning at her. She dove aside hiding behind one of the many solid stone pedestals which lined the room.

  Arno and I followed after her, only to duck out of the reach of the lightning, taking cover behind the pillars which stood towards the back of the chamber, farthest from Germain.

  "And Madame De La Serre as well," Germain mused. "This is quite the reunion."

  "Stay hidden," Arno hissed at both Elise and I from his hiding spot. "Keep him talking."

  Elise and I nodded back at him in acknowledgment.

  "Did you think that this day would never come?" I asked Germain, remaining hidden from his weapon's reach.

  "That because François De La Serre had no sons to avenge him that your crimes would go unanswered?" Elise finished. Elise shot me a quick smile.

  "Revenge is it?" Germain spat. "Your vision is as narrow as your father's!"

  "You're one to talk. How wide of vision was your grab for power?" I asked.

  "Power? No no no, you're smarter than that!" said Germain. "This was never about power. It's always been about control. Did your father teach you nothing, De Laserre? The Order has grown complacent."

  I saw Arno slip out of hiding, throwing a smoke bomb in his wake. Confused for a short second, Germain faltered. Arno took his chance and made a slice for Germain. His blade made contact with Germain's skin, however, Germain teleported through the room causing an explosion occurring from where he stood, throwing Arno off his feet.

  "So obsessed with clinging to the trappings of power we abandoned our purpose," Germain hissed from somewhere within the chamber. He reappeared again, mumbling angrily and pacing the marble ground restlessly, waiting.

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