You're Very Aggressive

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Arno and I absently walked through the dirt streets of Versailles towards a large manor surrounded by tall iron gates. People dressed in expensive gowns and coats roamed about, making their way into the manor. Elise leisurely came up next to us.

"What's all this?" Arno asked.

"Robespierre. He has declared today a 'Festival of the Supreme Being.' A paean to the virtue of the Nation and the citizen's duty towards it," Elise explained, moving forward.

"Why does that sound so familiar?" I said.

"As far as Templar doctrine goes, it's a loose interpretation," Elise said over her shoulder. Arno and I glanced at each other and followed her towards another riot, screaming at the manor.

"We'll never get close to him in the middle of this," said Arno, gesturing to the riot.

"I agree. We best retire and wait for a better opportunity," I said.

"Still thinking like an assassin," Elise teased humorlessly. "This time, I have a plan."

"Oh?" Arno asked. "And what would that be?"

"Think like a Templar," she replied simply.

Arno stayed silent and I followed closely behind them through the crowd, gently pushing through without arousing suspicion. We passed through the riot's thick line, making way into one of the doors of the manor that would lead to the large courtyard that laid in the back of the property.

"Amazing," I muttered, ducking under the fist of a violent rioter.

We made it through a small dark area within the doors and exited just as quickly. My stomach dropped at the vastness of the place. Statues lined the area and colorful fireworks exploded in the distance. We made our way into the center of the yard where a large group of people were--like always--rioting.

"What now?" I asked Elise.

She surveyed the area. "Robespierre is unassailable," she replied. "He's got half the Guard out in force. We'll never get within ten yards of him."

"Just what I said." Arno sounded beaten.

"But," Elise held up a hand, "he's not as popular as we was. The Purge, the Supreme Being cult...if we can discredit him, he's finished."

"A massive public spectacle is the perfect venue," I said, a smile slowly spreading across my face.

"Exactly. Paint him as a dangerous lunatic, and his power will evaporate like snow in April," said Elise.

"But we will need some convincing evidence," I said, shifting my weight from one leg to the other and crossing my arms patiently.

Arno turned his head, his eyes looking past the shouting protesters towards a few tents settled behind a fence. "I have an idea where to start," he said.

"You coming?" he asked Elise and I.

I stepped forward for confirmation but Elise declined. "Meet me after. I have my own arrangements to make."

She stepped into the riot and disappeared.

"Let's go," I said, quickly walking towards the tents. Arno held no objection as he followed.

We entered a restricted area, leaping over the fence and hiding behind a tent.

"Split up," said Arno, once he caught up with me, and crouching with me in my hiding place. "We'll cover more ground that way."

"No." I grabbed his arm to keep him from leaving. "I'll distract them."

He furrowed his brows and frowned. "Absolutely not."

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