Lovely Night For a Stroll

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A loud explosion jostled me out of my daze. I turned from behind to crate, peeking over the side to look at Arno who stood behind the weapon that was now smoking from overuse.

  "The plane exploded," he stated plainly when he caught me looking. I nodded and wearily stood up from the crates, walking over to Arno. I scanned the dark sky, searching for more planes that might sneak up on us. My vow to protect Arno still stood.

  Arno lead the way, walking down the platform and turning the corner and up a stack of crates that laid against the metal railing of the tower. Tied to the railing as well was a floating contraption with an enormous envelope keeping the giant thing afloat and a small cabin latched on at the bottom. It was connected by a rope to the tower. Arno motioned me to follow him.

  What was he doing? Was really going to balance on that thin, minuscule piece of twine? I was about to object when he turned back around and set off again, climbing the crates and slowly but gracefully settling on the rope. He dashed across, making it to the floating contraption's bubble and stood on it, a victorious smile on his face. He turned around to look at me. I was still on the ground contemplating whether I should actually do this or not.

  "Rache!" Arno whisper shouted. He vehemently motioned me to come up. "Hurry!"

  I sucked in a deep breath and took off towards the crates, leaping over them and screeching to a stop just before the rope. I stole a glance down and my heart leapt to my throat.

  What the fuck am I doing? I thought with a sigh. I can't do this! 

  I face-palmed myself and an angry hiss came from me.

  "Rache, what's the matter?" Arno asked.

  I shook my head in response.

  "Don't look down," he said. "It helps. And do it fast otherwise we're dead."

  "Fuck it," I hissed under my breath. I took a step back and ran across the rope, my heart accelerating faster than possible. I hit the side of the contraptions envelope, grasping for any purchase, thankfully finding some, and climbed as fast as I could up to the top. Arno helped me up and over the edge until I found myself laying flat on my back, breathing heavily. Mostly from the fear powered adrenaline.

  Arno tried to help me up and off the ground, pulling my bad arm in attempt. A shout of pain burst passed my lips. Arno dropped me in surprise, causing me to hit my head back on the hard envelope.

  I pulled myself off the floor, rubbing the back of my head that was still throbbing, and dusted my worn clothes off.

  "What are you looking at?" I asked as I caught Arno looking up at the sky as if something truly fascinating was going on withing the stars and floating contraptions flying through the air.

  His head snapped back at me, his eyes blazing. I could just sit there and stare at those eyes all night—

  "We must make haste," he said. He grabbed the wrist of my good arm and dragged me towards the tail of the envelope. He climbed up first.

  "How will we get to the top of the—oh fuck." I bit my lower lip with in uncertainty. Damn, I've made it across a short length of that so called "rope", but to lead up in that length?

  "Rache, please. Bear with me, I implore you," Arno pleaded as he helped me up the tail of the envelope.

  "Don't," I snapped, trying to maintain eye contact with him rather than look down to my soon-to-be doom. "Completely ignore me. If I fall, so be it."


  "Go," I ordered, pointing up the rope that lead up to a platform halfway up the tower. "Do not lecture me after all of...this." I waved to the surreal setting all around me.

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