Welcome to the Order

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Arno had blindfolded me as he was leading me to wherever he was leading me, hand in hand. I tried to keep track of where he was leading me, taking note of the twists and turns of the streets to no avail.

"Arno," I whispered as we descended down steps. "Please." I wanted him to tell me where we were going but I felt as if I wasn't getting anywhere with him. I suddenly tripped over a step and felt myself falling. Arno's hand left my hand and soon, I felt gravel meeting me.

I gave a soft cry in pain, feeling the gravel stick to my body, piercing the worn fabric of my dress and into my skin. I began to bleed. "Arno!" I cried out. I was near tears.

I had tortured Jacques and I felt like I should've earned the name of a monster. It was who I was and I don't think Raquel, Charlotte, and Adalicia will ever forgive me for it. I should probably just die now...I might need a noose or a gun. Maybe I can drown! Yes! That sounds better! I slowly pushed myself into a crawling position. My hands scratched my face to grasp hold of the blindfold.

"Don't touch it!" Arno's hand was quick to slap my hand away from my face. I slapped him in return probably on the shoulder. Couldn't tell.

"Get your hands off of me!" I shouted, stumbling blindly to my feet. I tripped over the hem of my skirt, tearing the fabric, and falling into water. Just the cold greeted me...again.

"Rache!" Arno seemed to be distraught. He pulled me out of the water...again. How many times do I have to owe him? "Can't you keep still for once?"

"You--" My anger flared. I'm trying to be good but he's making it so damn easy to piss him off! I touched his chest and felt my way up to his face. I touched it gingerly at first to make sure it was his face, and then used the back of my hand to slap him. Hard.

"Gah! What was that for?" he snarled, grabbing both my hands before I hit him again.

"Just take me to wherever you're damn going!" I hissed, pulling myself from his iron grip with a sharp tug. "I'm distraught at the moment!"

"Women," Arno murmured, allowing me to loosen his grip. He propped me back up and gripped my hand like an iron clamp. It was evident to me that I wasn't going to go anywhere. I was stuck with Arno whether I liked it or not.

We walked along the gravel beach, my feet getting scratched from the sharp rocks of the channel until we stopped. I ran into Arno, nearly falling on my bum before he held me in place, grabbing my slim waist. He left my grip, and I heard his footsteps retreat. The loud echo of an iron door unlocking made me jumpy. He was taking me somewhere secret, and since I barely know him, I began to panic. It took my willpower for it not to register on my face.

"Arno," a man's voice chuckled quietly. "You brought a woman this time?"

"Shut up!" Arno hissed in return, grabbing my hand and leading me inside somewhere. My bare feet touched the soft feeling of a carpet and the loud iron door was shut with a BANG! I jumped in surprise from the loud sound. Was this place where he lived?

I didn't say anything as he tugged me along the corridor, occasionally telling me that there were a few steps up. I obliged and took tentative strides in order not to fall flat on my face even through laying on the carpet and falling asleep seemed like a good option at the moment.

"Arno Dorian, who do we have here?" a loud voice boomed from somewhere above.

"This is Rache," Arno replied back to the voice. He tugged me forward slightly, but I refused to move from behind him. "She killed Templar Jacques Rousseau."

"Eh, she don't look like a killer to me, Pisspot," a gruff voice intruded nearby.

"Pierre." The warning tone in Arno's voice shut the man up with a faint laugh.

Assassin's Creed Unity: When All Seems Hopeless... |editing|Where stories live. Discover now