No Force in Heaven or on Earth Will Make Him Answer That Question

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I woke up at the sound of a mouse noiselessly skittering across the stone ground of my chambers. My mind was a mess and my body hurt all over. It was painful to breathe.

"Good God," I whispered, again finding my voice barely above a whisper. "I really have to stop waking up like this."

"I agree," Arno said out of nowhere. My eyes locked onto his form standing at the base of the stairs of my chambers, leaning against the wall.

"My hero," I said trying to sit up. I grunted groaned in pain. My head felt smoky and heavy, and the rest of my body felt like it was dying.

"Don't get up too quickly. You swallowed a ton of dirty water, inhaled too much smoke, you have many, many burn scars all over your body, and you somewhat survived a fiery explosion into the silty channel."

"Yeah, no wonder I feel like I'm dying." I pulled my blankets closer around my naked body and tied their ends tightly together. "Where are my clothes."

"Burnt," said Arno.

I gaped. "What do you mean by 'burnt'? In the fire?"

"No. They were covered in smoke, soot, blood, dirt, mud, and water. I threw them into a furnace."

"Those were my only clothes!" I wailed miserably. "And I don't have enough money to buy any more. What about my weapons?"

"Cleaned and still intact. And don't worry about new clothes. I've got spares," Arno assured me. I rolled my eyes. Probably too large just like last time. It took me days to adjust his old clothes and another day to wash them all.

"Alright but I need something to wear right now. I'm not going out into those streets with just a blanket wrapped around me."

"Elise was kind enough to donate these," he said, tossing me a white blouse with frilly cuffs, tight pants, a pair of black heeled boots, and a brown leather vest.

I caught the clothes and inspected the shoes that tumbled my my bare feet. "These shoes are dress—"

"They were her only spares!" Arno snapped.

I bit my lower lip and cast my eyes to the ground. "Sorry." I turned my back to Arno and put the load on my cot. What did I do this time that had to make him so angry?

"Why do you think that you have the audacity to risk your life like that?" Arno said abruptly. Oh, that's why.

"I was saving multiple people, Arno. And now that I know who they are, I'm glad I did." I dropped the blanket and it bundled at my feet. I heard Arno turn around, giving me some privacy.

"Those are Templar children," Arno said bluntly.

"Those were Templar children. Now they are part of another Templar family yet devoted to the Assassin cause."

"So what now? We should save them?"

"I wish, but we cannot risk interfering with them."

"Again, Rache. You are making no sense."

I pulled the blouse over my head and slipped my pants on. "That's not the first time I've been told that," I admitted while putting on the vest and shoes. I tore off the Templar cross pinned to the vest and tossed it to the far corner of my room, the light, metallic sound echoing through my stone chamber.

"What do you want, Arno," I said, not bothering to hide the disdain in my voice.

"A dinner engagement."

I buttoned up my outfit and turned to face him. "I beg your pardon?"

His eyes flickered for a moment. From surprised then to worry. "Your face, Rache," he said.

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