Do What You're Told or Face the Consequences

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The hot bright sun beat down restlessly upon me as I worked through the garden. The soil was extremely dry and a bucket of water had to be thrown often to keep the crumbling soil from drying until the sun dipped low into the horizon casting a beautiful orange glow across the city of Paris.

My name is Rache. It is German for revenge. Why was I named this? I do not know. It doesn't even fit me. Never in my life have I wanted revenge against someone, God forbid. I like the peace and quiet of the garden and the sound of people bustling outside of the Rousseau Manor. Crazy driven revenge sounds quite the opposite of the garden.

I sat back on my heels as I finished weeding the last root from the tomato garden. Now we'll have healthy plants to consume, assuming the coming winter doesn't freeze everything over like it did last winter.

I twisted my back listening to the cracking sound of my spine shifting back into place then sighed and examined my work. I'd say this is the more comforting aspect of my day to day life.

Relaxing for a bit, I glanced around the flourishing garden and inhaled the sweet smell of the red roses that grew a few meters away along the wooden fence.

"A miracle they even grew," I thought out loud, observing the water droplets adorning the petals from the buckets of water I threw onto them earlier.

There was a sudden slamming of a door which snapped me out of my thoughts instantly with a jolt.

"You are so unfair, father! I hate you!" I heard Adalicia scream at Jacques in her raging fury. "You never let me do anything!"

Wait for it...

"Rache!" I could almost swear that the windows rattled as Adalicia screamed for my presence.

"Adalicia!" Jacques fumed. "I had enough of your tantrums. You open this door now! I command you to!"

"No!" was the defiant, muffled answer.

I knew what was coming...

"Rache!" Jacques bellowed.

I did my best to keep my groan quiet as my now peaceful time alone abruptly ended. It was arduous to pull myself off the ground. A cloud of dirt rose from my skirts as I patted off the day's dirt and weeds. I straightened myself and tidied up whatever strands of hair fell from my plaited updo best I could as I walked inside the manor.

I scurried up the few flights of stairs, gripping the gold painted handrail for support.

"Yes, monsieur?" I curtsied as I stood in front of Jacques, the lord of the house.

"Adalicia is being a young fool and disrespectful towards her father. This will not stand when she comes of age and this is proving to be a herculean task to teach such defiance out of her," he said to me, his voice hushed yet intense from increasing frustration. He closed his eyes and inhaled slowly in a vain bid to calm himself down. It failed as his voice raised and his face became florid. "Adalicia, for the love of God, please do what you're told or face the consequences!"

I curtsied again as Jacques stormed away leaving a broken flower pot in his wake. My face contorted into a scowl of disdain at the sight of the pot. I started towards the pot to clean up the mess until I heard Adalicia's door creak open.

"Rache," Adalicia said quietly, poking her head out. "Leave it for now." She beckoned me into her room. I entered and she shut the door behind me. "I apologize for my father's behavior, and for mine as well."

"Oh it is nothing you should fuss over, madame." I waved away her apologies with a small smile. What I couldn't tell her was that every time she and her sisters provoked their father, I never heard the end of it.

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