Chapter 1 The Funeral and a letter

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(A/n welcome to my brand new story idea. This one hit me for some reason just after reading some Tbhk fanfictions on wattpad. I wondered how it would go if Yugi Muto was secretly related to the exorcist family the Minamotos? This is his new life at Kamome academy)

Yugi's heart clenched tightly. He could barely breath sitting there in his best wear. He wasn't there for a wedding that would've given him a completely different feeling all together.

He felt numb inside even as his best friends surrounded him inside the church as the priest talked about the life his Grandpa lived. He could feel the tears on his face but he couldn't remember expressing them.

He could feel his partner Yami floating just next to him, the spirit having an even harder time keeping it together so he wouldn't cry. He could hear the sniffling all around him even the blowing of noses. He was barely listening to the priest as he talked.
He looked up to see the giant picture frame of his grandpa in his best and most recent picture. There laid the ashes of his grandpa. He wanted to cremate him so he could scatter his ashes.

Soon the Priest was finished and everyone slowly left the church the only ones who remain was Yugi himself and his best friends Bakura, Joey, Tea and Tristan. What made this worse of all was the school year just started it was just 5 months into freshman year of high school.

Yugi barely knew his own friends for 3 of those months since he met Joey and Tristan and Bakura in school while him and Tea had been friends since junior high school.
Joey stood first and went and took the picture down while Tristan carried the urn.

Silently Bakura and Tea helped him to his feet as the 5 of them walked out of the church. They could feel looks from almost everyone who visited the funeral a lot of them friends of the family. Yugi didn't have any direct relatives he knew of. His mother passed his father gone before her passing. All he had was Grandpa Solomon.

The old man raise Yugi when he was young after his mom passed away. He didn't know if there was any family on his mom's side or even who his father was. Getting back into the dark house was something Yugi hadn't wanted to do. The last week since his Grandpa passed in his sleep he had been staying with one of his friends rather at home alone.

He pulled out the keys to the shop/ house, unlocked the door and turned on the light letting his friends come in. Yugi hadn't noticed but Bakura had taken the bouquet they had left at the funeral. He wasn't very fond of flowers so the overzealous amount just annoyed his nose and his eyes at how colorful it was meant to be.

"Hey.. Bakura do you mind taking those home with you or giving them to someone else?" Bakura nodded a faint smile on his face.

"Someone down at the hospital might enjoy a bouquet this big." His friends all nodded at the idea, it sounded sweet. Tea noticed the full mailbox and went outside to fetch everything from it. Some of it was packages for the shop, some were bills, others just spam mail. But there was a letter in there directed to Yugi Muto or spelled Muto Yugi in the traditional way.

"Yugi, you got a letter in the mail." He looks solomnly at his only female friend as he takes the letter from her. He sat down on the couch as his friends went through the mail for him. He opens the letter slowly unfolding the fat letter and what felt like a plane ticket.

"Whoever sent you this letter sent it with a purpose for their to be a plane ticket in it." Yami spoke in the young boy's ear.
Joey took the plane ticket from Yugi checking the date. "Whoa what the hell!? This ticket is for the day after tomorrow? Just who the heck are these guys?" His friends gathered around after looking through the mail and sat down with Yugi as he looked at the letter.

"Dear Muto Yugi, you probably don't know who I am or why you got this letter. Well I do know that my father is your mothers brother. Why does it matter that they're related? We heard about Grandpa Solomon's passing from our dad just a couple days before writing this to you. We are deeply sorry for your loss. As your cousins we wanted to invite you to Tokyo to live with us. I left a phone number in the letter if you wanted to call directly before you decided. I also left a completely refundable plane ticket schedule for 5 days after this letter gets to you. Please contact us soon. No expenses necessary, Dad will even handle Grandpa's house for you to be able to hold on to in the future if you ever want to move back to Dominio. For now I'll end this letter my phone number is on the back of the letter. Hope to hear from you soon, from your oldest cousin Minamoto Teru."

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