Chapter 10 Kidnapped and Ransom part 1

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(Heyyy.... yea I'm nervous to write this chapter after what I did to the last one. Poor Yashiro... I'm making things awful for everyone. Let's just get this started.)


It was the next morning... the house was quiet as the four males surrounded the Tv. Teru couldn't look at the screen as he held Tiara who was confused why her big brother Kou was knelt down on the ground tears in his eyes. Yugi looked at the screen rage building in him as the news report came on.

"Breaking news from last night at around 10 Pm a young high school girl was abducted on her way home from hanging out with friends. The distress call to the emergency hot line goes as follows." The reporter on screen reads what Yugi said over the phone.

"'Hello I need to report a kidnapping! Just around the corner from Kamome Academy, a girl with long crème hair and ruby eyes was abducted in a Black vehicle. Her name is Yashiro Nene..! I know the car, it's the same one that tried to hit a kid earlier today, his name is Jaden Yuki. Please get help..!'" Yugi clenched his fists tightly.

The second reporter on the channel spoke. "Be on the look out for this black vehicle. Any tips are welcome to track down the kidnapper and bring this poor girl back home." The silence after it ended was deafening.

Yugi could feel his blood pumping extremely hard. It was 7 in the morning in the morning and already he wanted to run outside and scream at the top of his lungs. If Yashiro hadn't been there with them, or they had walked her home, she wouldn't be in this situation. No one goes after three kids. He would've driven off.

Yugi looked at his phone. Schmidt had texted him. 'Don't worry Yugi-kun I know some people I'll find out who that jerk is by the end of the day. Just hang in there.' He took a small breath praying that his red head friend didn't get himself into trouble.

Yugi wanted badly to check on Jaden. The 13-year-old was probably out of his mind with guilt. First things first, yugi thought. 'This guy seems pretty dangerous, the fact that he had no qualms almost hurting a kid and now kidnapping a girl.' He pulled out his phone deep in thought as he looked at his best friend's phone number.

'Joey, Tristan... you both know how to handle dangerous people..' He clicks the call button as he steps out of the living area and into the hall as the phone rang.

Joey's snoring cut out when he heard the loud buzzing of his cell on the nightstand. He wiped his sleepy eyes noticing it was morning. He reached over to the ringing phone saw the number and picked up immediately.

"Hey Yug. Good morning. What do I owe the hospitable wake-up call?" On the other end Yugi chuckled slightly. Joey grins hearing his best friend laugh.

"Joey.. I need a favor from you and Tristan.. Something happened and I need your help. Can you and Tristan get over here?" Joey listened to Yugi's strained voice, it sounded stressed and angry. What could've happen to make his best bud angry?

"Yugi. What happened?" Joey's voice got cold and concern as he listened. Yugi took a deep breath his voice cracking as he spoke. "A classmate.. No, a friend of mine.. She was kidnapped.. I need your help to get her back. This guy is bad... he nearly hit my other new friend with a car.. The guy destroyed his bike." Joey grit his teeth breathing through his nose.

He couldn't stand people who hurt the weak and defenseless. Especially girls walking home. To think Yugi could have trouble away from home, he had only been gone 2 days, and it seemed like trouble was following him like an unlit stick of dynamite.

"Yug, hang tight I'll be there in a couple of hours. I'll go drag Tristan out of his bed right now." He was about to hang up when Yugi cut in. "Don't tell Bakura or Tea, as much as I love to see them.. This isn't the time for a social visit.." Joey hummed in agreement as he hung up the phone.

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