Chapter 4 The Classmates

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First days of school. The hardest hurdle in any kids life. Sadly for Yugi it's one of the most nerve wracking times. The last thing he wanted was to be a bully's next victim at a new school. Even tho his best friends now were his bullies back then, he doesn't want the same thing to happen again. He was procrastinating in his room getting dressed, his face clearly stressed just after having breakfast. The last thing he needed to be doing is nearly making himself sick.

Kou walked in wearing a light blue button down with the standard tie with a red and white belt buckle on his nice white pants. He had a sweat band on his left hand which was red and something Yugi didn't catch before. A single piece of earring in his ear that hung down that looked like the cross between a safety sign and a good luck charm. He had his blue book bag ready and was holding a golden looking staff hidden under what looked like an umbrella parachute.

"K-kou.. what's with the staff?" His blue eyes read his confused expression easily as he showed it to him. "It's an exorcist's weapon. I came to give you this." Kou handed Yugi what looked like fingerless red leather gloves.
"What's that for?" Yugi took them from his cousin. He put them on awkwardly as they were a little bulky fitting.

"Teru-nii wanted you to have them at school. They'll protect you. For now we need to get going. Teru-nii's meeting us at school after he walks Tiara to preschool." Yugi nodded grabbing his empty book bag which he did put a spare notebook and pen in so he could write down the supplies he'd need for his classes.

He adjusts his tie in the mirror looking embarrassed in the white/ grey button down shirt brown and light grey tie and brown pants. He was still able to wear his sneakers as he pulled them out of the closet and walked with Kou to the front door.
Kou passed him a small key ring with a key on it. "This is for the house, Teru-nii had them made in advance before we got your phone call."
yugi looked surprised but puts the key in his book bag as the two put on their shoes and walk out locking the house up behind them.

Yami floated next to him ironically now mirroring his partner in the same attire. Kou chuckles when he notices this. "So he copies what your wearing? So cool." Yami scrunches his nose in embarrassment.
"Your so chill about this Kou. Have you seen ghost for a long time now?" Yami glances at Yugi's cousin as he asks his question.

Kou rubbed his jaw thoughtfully as he thinks. "Since I was a little kid.. probably Tiara's age. I remember watching my brother preform exorcisms. I thought what he was doing was a good thing. But recently I decided I'm not gonna be the same as my brother.."
Yugi and Yami look at each other, but with the way Kou trailed off it was safe to assume to leave it at that for now. They soon reached the gate of the school plenty of students were walking into the campus grounds splitting off and heading to the two main buildings for their classes. 

Yugi noticed there was a second gate at the west side of the campus with a gardening area nearby.
"Itoko!" Kou called breaking Yugi of his daze as his amethyst eyes meets teal blue. "Ah! G-gomen Kou."
Kou smiles, not a big one but a concerned one. "Can you get to class? Or do you need me to walk you there. Teru-nii won't be here til class is about to start."

Yugi looks to his partner who smiled giving a supportive nod. Yugi looked back at his cousin smiling. "We can handle it Kou. Don't be late yourself."
Kou grins his 1000 watt smile it was so wide he closed his eyes to expresss it. "Good luck, Itoko! I'll find you for lunch." With that Kou jogs in the other direction towards the Middle school building. 

Yugi sighs and starts walking but he can already hear people whispering. "Who's that?" "Is that a new student?" "What was he doing with Minamoto-senpai's brother?" "Are they friends? Do they know each other?"
The whispers burned Yugi's ears. He shrugs off their skepticism as he walks to the classroom 1-A and peeks inside. No teacher yet so he crouched down in the hall way holding his bag. The 5 minute bell rings as students soon start to pile into the classrooms. He didn't look up nit wanting to see his classmates until the teacher came.

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