Chapter 12 Recovery

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(Hey guys back on this. The pace is gonna slow down but will not get any better from here on out. It's just gonna be a mess with stuff. I have notes for advance in the story. And it's gonna be heavy stuff. Also I figured out the height problem for the three males. Kou in the anime is slightly taller than Yashiro, so Jaden is her height while Yugi is slightly shorter than both Yashiro and Jaden, just reaching their shoulders.
Also anyone wondering about Hanako? He's in between Yashiro and Kou in height in the anime. As for Alister he's not as tall as Joey or Teru but he's probably 5 inches taller than yugi so probably 2 inches taller than Kou at the least.)

'A creme haired girl cried out as she screamed her dress torn in places feeling the bruises set in from the rough grabbing, her head still throbbed from the impact in the car window when she was taken.

She felt herself being tied up and raised in the air on a chain as she looked down at the cruel men who had batted her tears fell down her face as she slowly slipped into unconsciousness'

The all too familiar dream woke the long haired girl with a start as she screamed. "N-nooo!" Tears had fell down her face while she slept. She looked down. She realized she was in an unfamiliar bed a needle in her arm and her vitals being taken. 'A hospital... how'd I get here..?' The last thing she could remember was being in Yugi's friends car taking her home when everything went black.

She heard a knock on the door as she looking towards the right of the bed. "Y-yes?" She called out, it opened to reveal her mom and Yugi. "M-mom! Muto-Kun!" She blinked away her tears as she smiles happily as her mom gave her a small hug. Yugi smiled looking at her. "How you feeling..?"

She smiled her eyes gleaming as she looked at her friend. "I'm feeling a little better. How long have I been out?" Her mother brushed her hair out of her face her eyes joyful. She sat in the chair next to the bed. "Only since last night, it's Monday. Oh that reminds me I gotta go call your school." She steps out into the hall way while Yugi scooted closer.

"I'll tell Hanako what happened. Also take this. Kou will come by after school to help you with it." He passes her his cousin's tablet. Him and Kou's plan was for them to video call from the school and Hospital so Hanako could see that she was alright. (Now idk if he shows up on video cause on pictures he's a black blurr in the manga)

"Yugi-kun.." she spoke his first name tentatively. His eyes light up as he smiles hearing her say his first name. "Will you stop by the bakery and get donuts and keep them with you till you see Hanako at lunch? Tell him everything will be explain after school. Get plain donuts for him. He loves them." Yugi looked surprised.

He didn't realize a ghost like Hanako had a favorite sweet. He nodded his head. "You take care Yashiro. Kou will see you after school. He went on ahead with Jaden to get him settled in." She nods looking down at the tablet. Yugi got up with his school bag and gave her head a slight pat.

"I'll see you later." She waved as he left her room and the Hospital waving goodbye to her mom as he walked out.


It was nearly 7:20 as he finally made it to the closest bakery to school. He walked inside, ordered the plain donuts she told him to get, folded the bag up tightly and dropped the bag in his school bag before paying the lady. On the way to school Yami joined him in his spirit form and smiled.

"Mind if I walk us to school in case anything ridiculous happens again for the 4th time.."  Yugi chuckled at his partners words. In any case the two switch places as Yami who was also dressed in the off white uniform with his black leather buckle tank top underneath.

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