Chapter 5 Hanako-san of the Toilet

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(Here comes another chapter for you guys enjoy)

The boy's eyes widen at the amethyst eyes staring at him, not just one pair but a pair belonging to the spirit next to him. The ghost touched his hat on his head a devious smile now plastered his face. "My my, aren't you a strange thing."

His breath locked his his throat seeing this ghostly boy up close. The same one that vanish just minutes ago.

But in Yugi's eyes he couldn't tell he was a ghost. "Are you... dead?" Came from his mouth complete confusion. In Yugi's eyes alone the so called Ghost looked more solid. His uniform wasn't that of a older school uniform but very similar to what he himself was wearing. In Yugi's eyes this ghost looked human. Looked alive. Even tho he clearly saw him vanish before.

"My my, your eyes have been cursed it seems." At this point Kou let go of his cousin to turn to the black garbed ghost.

"What...what are you talking about?" Kou's eyes looked over the boy who still hugged the high school girl. The look of disbelief was prominate on his face.
The boys amber eyes looked to Kou a curious smile on his face. "Shonnen? Who's this oddity?" The same amber eyes that looked his cousin over looked back at Yugi. Yashiro pushed off from the boy.

"Hanako-kun, don't just pop up like that! You could've scared Muto-kun!" The ghost, Hanako smiled playfully putting his hands behind his back. "Gomen Gomen."

Kou opened his mouth to speak. "Hanako, this is my cousin Muto Yugi. Yugi, meet the leader of the 7 wonders. 'Hanako-San of the Toilet'."

7 wonders. That rang in Yugi's mind. Kou mentioned them. He said people with sensitivity to the supernatural could see them. So how come he could see the being but not as a ghost at all?

Yami looked at the Ghost. In his eyes he could see Hanako as clearly as Yashiro and Kou could. In his dark school uniform and half visible appearance.

"What did you mean by Yugi's eyes being Cursed?" Yami didn't know too much about Yugi's life story outside his grandpa.

He didn't know anything about his mother or father. So for Yugi's eyes to be cursed he felt had something to do with the deceased or absent parental figures.
"He's got the Cursed Vision of the Dead. It prevents exorcists or their bloodline from properly distinguishing the living from the dead. Assuming I got this accurately, Yugi here is seeing me as I was before." Hanako looked at the young new student. He was a little uneasy having a human see him for what he looked like when he was alive, he couldn't predict what he looked like in the boys eyes.

"How could this have happened..?" Kou rubbed his neck pondering the action. Yugi looked down just as confused at why this happened.

"I'm just speculating but maybe your mother had something to do with this, Yugi?" Yugis eyes widen at Yami who had his arms crossed his hand to his jaw as he thought.

Kou flexed his fist eagerly. "Oto-san might know about this. We can talk about it with him later. Right now let's eat lunch before class starts again." The two high school students agree as they eat, Hanako hovering curiously over the three.

Yami kept giving Hanako the stink eye who acting like the age he died sticks his tongue out at the ancient spirit. "So how exactly old are you Hanako?" Yami took a seat next to Yugi still giving the ghosts annoyed looks. Hanako floating above Yugi and Yashiro's head smirks down at the lookalike spirit.

"hmmm roughly 50 years old." Yugi who was mid drink spits his juice out. Kou started chuckling as he pats his cousins back who starts coughing. "Daijoubu, Itoko? Hahaha." Yugi starts laughing himself.

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