Chapter 9 Saving a Spirit

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(Hey you guys here's the next chapter. I am so sorry I'm hurting poor yami once again in my stories. I love the guy so much but he's the perfect victim for bad circumstances cause he's a ghost he can't die, tho in a series like tbhk anything bad can happen and in this story it could be bad)

Yugi opened his eyes with a start his breathing ragged as sweat fell down his face. He looked at his hands as if he could feel the blood on his hand from Yami's jacket. He blinked his eyes rappedly as he ran to his trash can and threw up, his nerves on high alert.

He picked up his puzzle and ran to Kou in the kitchen who was boiling water and about to put spaghetti noodles in the pot. "KOU!" He shouted which startled the boy as he almost dropped the noodles. He turned to him, his blue teal eyes wide looking at his sweaty heavy breathing cousin, it almost look like he ran a marathon.

"Itoko? Nani? Daijobou?" He put the pasta down and approached him an apron wrapped around the younger boy's body. He touched Yugi's arm as tears burst from his eyes and fell down his cheeks. Kou gripped the boy by the shoulder and shook him a little to get him to look at him.

His Amethyst eyes were filled with pain and anguish. "Itoko.. Is Yami okay..?" The boy had the puzzle clutched in his hands in a death grip, his knuckles turning white as Kou covered his hands making him relax his grip as the older teen's voice cracked. "Y-yami needs help.. I don't know what to do Kou.. S-sukiyaki's attack yesterday took its toll on him and he can't move.. please, please! W-who do I ask for help..!?" Yugi took his hands from under Kou's hands to grip the boy's shoulders tightly his tears free falling now from his eyes like two rivers.

At the same time the front door open and Teru and Tiara came inside. "Kou? Yugi? You guys home now?" Teru walked into the kitchen and saw the two as the two males look up at the older blonde male. "Nani..? Itoko, something wrong..?" He got to his knees in front of his cousin.

The two explained what happened at school, about the copy-cat apparition and her attacking Yami and now he was weak, injured and possibly sick.

"We'll have to go inside the puzzle of yours with you to see what's wrong. Don't worry I have some things that can be brought into the non physical world." Teru took the two to his room Tiara in her room playing. He picked up a rolled up medicine pouch and spell scroll and held onto them as Yugi took his cousins hands as the light of the puzzle sucked them into it.

Kou and Teru opened their blue eyes to a yellow stone labyrinth, Yugi no longer with them. "Itoko?! Where are you?!" He called out but nobody was near. Teru pulled out a device from his pocket and held it out. "This way Kou." In his hand was a detection device that sought out paranormal energy. He was using it to locate Yami.

The two brothers walked through the endless stairs and hallways until the came across a doorway. Inside was a sobbing Yugi and a pale, unconscious Yami. Teru and kou darted inside as Teru went to work assessing Yami's injury.

"Damn this is bad... I can only keep it from getting worse." Teru clicked his tongue in annoyance as he gathered the medicine from his rolled up bag and started applying it into Yami's semi-physical arm. The male sweated heavily his eyes shut tight as he groaned from Teru's contact with his hot skin.

"Please do your best Teru-nii." Kou held his older cousin who was falling apart in his arms. Yugi looked at his dear spirit friend his fist tight against Kou who was rubbing his back trying to calm him before the teen himself got sick from the stress.

Teru finished applying the medicine looong Yami over as the strain his face was slowly ebbing away. "I have it where it won't get worse. But it's not getting better. Yami's have trouble keeping his form solid, I almost couldn't get the medicine to stay on him. He needs help more throughout than I can provide. As much as I hate to say this Kou, your gonna need Hanako's help." Teru wanted to wash his own mouth out for uttering the words. As a dedicated exorcist he despised having to get assistance of any kind from a specter.

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