Chapter 11 Kidnapped and Ransom part 2

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(*is waiting for the angry complaints about what I'm doing to these poor poor characters. Nobody is safe from my grasp of hurt angst or near death situations. Also I'm super glad for finally have reads on this story I hope whoever's reading it is enjoying it as much as I am writing it)


Later after receiving the text from Schmidt, the group minus Teru and Tiara head over to the park in Tristan's station wagon. Kou Yugi and Jaden were slightly apprehensive, mostly from not knowing who they were dealing with. Joey and Tristan had been in enough fights to cover them.

They eventually get to the park, the place was empty not excluding the red head in a black cartigan and beige pants. His shirt underneath stood out to be a polo shirt which was hot pink.

"Hey Yugi-kuuun! Oh! Kou-kouhai, how are you? I see you brought some friends. What's your name fellas?" Alister flirted playfully, he was a cocky little ass who liked to tease what he thinks are "beautiful people."

It didn't have to be age related he just had to think they were the most gorgeous thing alive. Ironically it ranged from old people to even kids younger than him. He had no preference.

"how ya doin'? My names Joey, this is Tristan. We're Yugi's old classmates and best friends from Domino city." The words Joey said stung. He hated not being able to hang with his buddy but he was glad he was making some.

Jaden waved his hand at the red head smiling, his heavy fireworks bag hoisted on his back. "Hi I'm Jaden Yuki. Nice to meet ya!" Alister nodded at the three of them winking slightly before turning to his bud Yugi.

"So I got the info, some guy who owes me knows who the car belongs to. He hacks the cameras around the park and got a license plate." He explains pulling out his laptop. "The guy belongs to the Red Jackel gang. It's this group of high schoolers that run amok in neighbor hoods like this. Normally they're pretty not so threatening unless provoked but soon they started getting into the drug smuggling shit for hard cash. Those cars they're driving, people their age couldn't even look at something like that." He showed them the laptop with images of a few of the important members.

"Sago Sikouya the leader of the group." He clicked on one image of a male with black hair his hair half shaven with most of his hair was flowing to one side of his face with a red slash of color in it.

"His second in command was driving the car and his name is Asagi Motokko. This is him." This male had a pompadour that was thick and magenta in color with a beauty mark above his eyebrow.

"So these guys were behind the kidnapping? They're sure sketchy enough to be drug smugglers." Joey leaned slightly his hand going to his waist while one rubbed the back of his head.

"Yes they are, so my buddy believes one of the grunts that are apart of the gang took her in the same car that nearly hit Jaden earlier yesterday." Alister pulled up a video cam feed.

"This is last night."
On his computer was the feed of Yashiro walking as the black car pulls ahead and parks before her. It was of her getting taken. Kou went ridged against Yugi his hands balled into fists. "We were just down the street..." His eyes glared down at the ground as Tristan gave his shoulder a hard rub for support as the male in question drops his fists.

Alister flipped his hair slightly. "Don't worry so much. Cause tonight we're getting her back." Before he could continue Jaden who got the note back from Tristan stuffed the ransom letter in the redheads hand. He looks at it puzzled before nodding his head in understanding as he reads it.

"Ah the warehouse on 5th. We should get going that's nearly 40 minutes from here." The group headed to the car, Jaden Yugi Kou and Schmidt pile in the backseat as Joey and Tristan get in, the brunette pulling away from the curb and took the directions that Schmidt gave from the backseat.

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