Chapter 8 Secrets kept hidden

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(My grand return to this story after finally finishing When cards and magic collide. Now with my longest story finished I can work and out my efforts into making this a grand story of supernatural delight. Lets get started)

It was the weekend time and Yugi not used to Tokyo yet didn't know what to do with the weekend. His older cousin had secretly gone out with Tiara and bought everything he would need for class and school in general, having gone to his teachers while him and Kou had been inside the boundary.

It was a wonderful gesture but now with Saturday arrived he didn't know how to spend his day until Kou dragged him out of his room in the middle of the day. "Itoko! Get dressed, we're going some where." Yugi blunked at his cousin confused but didn't question the excitable blonde.

A couple minutes later he got a white button down shirt with his blue blazer and blue jeans on. He couldn't help wear them. He pulled on his socks, studded bracelet and buckle choker. He still wore his puzzle.

He was worried about yami and made note that later when he got back to check inside the puzzle to see if he was alright. He met Kou at the door and slipped his sneakers on. Kou stuffed the gloves he took from Yami into Yugi's pocket as he also pockets his cellphone. Kou opened the door calling back.

"We're leaving Teru-nii! Be back later!" Somewhere in the house Teru called back. "Be safe and Yugi? Stay with Kou! Don't lose each other and don't get lost." Yugi smiled at the slight worry in the older brothers voice. "We'll be okay!" Yugi called as they shut the door behind them as Kou taking the lead as the two walked down the street.

"Ne, Itoko? How's Yami doing? Is he okay?" The blonde looked at his older cousin and noticed the teen's face fall a little with worry framing his features as he held his puzzle in his hands.

"I haven't a clue Kou.. ever since he fought Sukiyaki with Hanako... I need to check on him later today but that requires for my mind to enter the puzzle." Kou's eyes widen, he didn't know that Yugi's connection to the puzzle was so complex that he could enter the millennium item on his own.

"Don't worry Itoko! I'm sure Yami's okay, Ne?" He gave a hopeful and helpful smile for his cousin pumping his arms in the air at his sides. Yugi smiled at his cousin, nodding his head. For being young Kou knew how to make someone smile and he didn't want his cousin to be upset.

"So where are we going?" Yugi mentions again wondering where his younger cousin could be taking him on a Saturday. "The park! Yashiro-senpai wanted us to meet up there, we were gonna explode Tokyo with you with Aoi-Senpai and Akane-senpai." He chirped excitedly. Yugi loved his cousins enthusiasm, he was eager fun and enjoyed everything.

"Aahhh! Watch out! I can't stop!" The two turned fast and saw someone who lost control on their bike crash into them. "Ahhhh!" The two screamed as the bike crashed into the two of them as all of them ended up on the ground Kou and Yugi pinned by a bike and the person riding it.

The three of them groan hard as the boy who happened to be 13 jumped up and pulled his bike off the two leaning it against the fence.

"Ahh! I-I'm so sorry, are you guys alright??" Yugi and kou got a good look at the boy who wore a grey jacket salmon pink shirt under it with light blue jeans and red sneakers. His brown hair with an orange-ish brown layer on the top of his hair.

It was styled flowing back behind his head with his front patted on either side of his face with his bangs just covering his forehead. His brown eyes were filled with concern a worried grimace on his face. Kou tecovered first sitting up rubbing his head as he pulled his Cousin to his feet.

"We're fine, but are you ok?" Kou did a double take and whined. "Oh no your hurt! You cut up your pants really good and you got a cut on your knee." Kou kneeled in front of the kid pulling his pant leg up as kou pulled a mini first aid kit from his back pocket and fixed the boy up in seconds, the kid looked surprised by Kou's sudden action.

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